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Ever since the financial elite took control of public education, the news media and our government, the American people have been fed a steady line of bull. We have become debt slaves in a land that once was free.

The best way to enslave a man is to make him think that he is free. As the German philosopher Goethe observed "The most helpless of all slaves is the man that falsely believes that he is free."

We can not be free if we are In debt. The borrower will always be the slave of the lender. To escape our status as debt slaves we need to wake up and realize that those we elect to serve us take their marching orders from the financial elite.

The curriculum in our schools is not designed to produce independent thinkers; its goal is to produce obedient lap dogs that will do what they are told.

The establishment knows that the easiest way to enslave a man is to keep him in a state of perpetual debt. The borrower is always slave to the lender and our government has formed an unholy alliance with the financial institutions to keep us in the dark. It is our responsibility to enlighten our brothers and sisters in order to enjoy the rights that were granted to us by our Creator.

We have all been programmed from birth and virtually everything we've been taught helps the bankers and the financial elite keep us in our place.

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I can hardly wait till November! Each day brings us a new chance to serve our country a wake up call.

We finally can restore a fiscally sound spending policy and stop printing all the trillions of backed by nothing but worthless paper FRN's, they are just promissory notes of debt based bearer bonds.

No economy based on debt has ever really actually worked for any country that foolishly tried to spend it's self out of debt. How could any country ever hope to restore an economy that is on it's knee's to it's lenders? The endless printing of paper debt based $ is coming back to haunt the next 100 generations or more.

How was it ever sound fiscal policy to allow a private bank based economy to issue our currency to expand our nations debt to where it is today? Considering the Universe is only 13.5 trillion years old and our country is only 238 years old, how was it sound fiscally to accrue such a debt of over $124 trillion, if that is even correct math wise, which includes entitlements to illegal aliens? When we allowed a secret meeting of bankers to hold meetings not open to the public and create the Federal Reserve Bank and the world followed in our foot steps and adopted our central banks financial plan, the entire world made the mistake of following this unsound debt based economy which was designed to fail in the first place. We allowed our selves to loan us the debt our nation has today. It was insanity then in 1913, and it's gone global ever since. 

It's not just time to audit the Federal Reserve Bank, but to abolish it all together. Future generations as yet unborn can repudiate the national debt as they should. Why should they be slaves for the last generations fiscal sin's? The answer is simple, they cannot be forced pay for that which they did not spend. It was fraud when the FED was created period, and it continues to be fraud to this day.


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