Robin Hood Was Not a Democrat

Robin Hood was not a Democrat, and I am sorry to say he was not a Republican either. He was a Libertarian Tax Protester. He did not rob from the rich to give to the poor. He took back from the government the money the Sheriff had stolen in the form of taxes and returned it to its rightful owners, the people who paid the taxes.

The progressives of today would have us believe that Robin Hood was Great Britain's first socialist. That he was dedicated to redistributing wealth by taking from the rich landowners and giving to the poor and needy.

The Progressives in both political parties would have us believe that they are modern day versions of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. They believe that the rich Capitalists gained their wealth by exploiting the masses. They believe that taxing the rich to feed the poor is an act of compassion. They don’t see it as redistribution. They call it social justice.

Both parties seem to think that the government's power to tax trumps our individual rights to life, liberty and property. They think that the will of the majority is more important than the rule of law. They think we live in a Democracy. They will even call it that. They think our rights are merely privileges granted by the state.

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