Restoring the Republic
The first thing we must do to abolish the Federal Reserve and restore an honest monetary system based on wealth rather than debt.
The second thing we must do is restore the right of the states to be represented in the senate by ending the direct election of senators.
The third tasks is to restore the equal representation of the states in the House of Representatives.
The fourth objective is to reduce the size of the Congressional Districts and state legislative districts to no more than 50,000.
The fifth step is to restore to the counties the right to be represented in the legislatures of the states.
The sixth goal is to end Gerrymandering.
The seventh goal is to end the "Winner Take All" method of allocating electoral votes.
The eighth goal is to have each Presidential elector chosen by the people in their Congressional District.
The ninth goal is to return all public land to the states except military installations, post offices, post roads and needful buildings as that is authorized in Article I Section 8 Clause 17.