I'll Bet You Didn't Know!
In 1919, Representatives had a staff of two assistants per Congressman. That made a total of 435 politicians and 870 in staff for a total of 1305 people taking care of Congressional districts. Today, every member of the House has a staff of 22 people helping them to do the job of trying to represent over 700,000 constituents each.
So in reality, in the halls of Congress, we may have only 435 elected Representatives but we also have over 9,500 un-elected and unaccountable assistants and aids doing the business of "Representation". So the truth is, that a total of over 10,000 people is what it actually takes, to do the job of Law-making. This is the big lie they don't tell you.
So anyone who thinks we will have massive problems if we elected 11,000 Representatives, should realize that we already have almost that many people running the show on Capitol Hill now!
If we took each of the 9570 appointed and unaccountable staff members and sent them home to be elected to one of the existing 435 districts and divided them into 23 separate districts, we would have nearly 10,005 districts with approximately 30,000 constituents in each based on 2020 projections.
Simple truth to guide you.
Comments? Questions?
Common sense was outlawed under the Obama administration didnt you know its against the law ?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
Albert Einstein...
In 1910 we had a population of 92,228,496 or 1 elected representative in the House representing an average of 212,019 constituents. The Congressman was assisted by two un-elected bureaucrats which meant that each of the districts had 1 elected representatives and 2 un-elected representatives or 1 for every 70,673.
We are projected to have a population of 359,000,000 in 2020 which means we will have 1 elected representative for 825,000 people and 2 un-elected representatives. At that time the people will have one representative for every 275,000
Oh I know and agree I been screaming this for years but my point is that they dont care about common sense
Not quite Keith, but your point is well taken and this particular stat is one I almost bothered to calculate, but didn't. Thanks for doing the math.
However, you missed the mark due to a little math error.
In 1910, there were indeed about 92 million people/1305 Total Congressmen and staff workers combined, or about;
70,000 Constituents/Congressional worker
In 2010, there were approximately 305 million in America, but unlike your claim that there were TWO staffers/Representative in 2010, there were TWENTY TWO staffers/Representative. With the numbers calculated correctly, I conclude that in 2010, there were actually;
305 million people/435 Representatives + 22 Staffers/Representative= over 10,000 workers in Congress, or about;
30,500 Constituents/Congressional worker.
What you see here is that it takes at least one worker in Congress for every thirty Thousand people to get the business of Representation done. THAT is the info we need to show our state Representative and anyone else who thinks that 11,000 Representatives is not "...as practicable as possible". It is practicable and the evidence is clear that there is plenty of room in the halls of Congress to house and coordinate over TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE and that 30,000 people for every "worker in the House", IS a good number and is quite indeed very practicable, possible and already being done today.
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