In a republican form of government most of the legislative decisions are made by the chosen representatives of the people. In a democracy the majority of uninformed voters decide.
When the majority gets what they want the rights of the minority in jeopardy. In order to prevent the tyranny of the majority it is necessary to have a way to prevent the abuse of power by tthe majority.

In order to prevent the large states from dominating the small states, our founders came up with what is known as the great compromise. By creating a bicameral legislature with one house representing the people and a second house representing the states, the legislative power was shared.
This state cosnisted of large urban counties as well as small rural counties and this legislative model government of the United States was duplicated state legislatures.
A Supreme Court ruling in 1965 casused the states to abandon the repreeentation of the counties in the state legislatures. This decison converted a repbulican form of government into a democratic model are opened the door to the tyranny of the majority.
If it is unconstituonal for the counties to have representation in the states, why is it not unconstituional for the states to be represented in senate of the United States.
If the U.S. Seante was apportion likeit is in the states, California would have 15 senators and many of the states would have none.
The Siupreme Court is supposed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, but the court constinues to make decisons that undermine the foundation of our Constitutional Republic.