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The House of Representatives was created to give the people a voice in government and the Senate was created to give the States a voice. One of the most important features written into the Constitution was the "Checks and Balances" with the bicameral legislature.

The United States was created to be a servant of the union of independent state Republics called America. It was not intended to be the master. With the unlawful and decidedly unconstitutional ratification of the 17th Amendment the states lost their voice in the legislature.

If the Senate was functioning properly, the states would have a voice in Congress whose responsibility was to the states and not political ambitions. They would be appointed instead of elected. This is important. If they are appointed, they can be recalled and replaced and not be yet another political body. Then perhaps they could make decisions to protect their state's rights, rather than having nine lawyers making those important decisions.

According to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, any act of Congress can be nullified by a state if the members of the respective state legislature determines that the law was unconstitutional.

Nullification - The Rightful Remedy

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Question that l hope you all can answer,  1871 43rd Congress, this was a time Lincoln was in office was a great admirer of Carl Marx, was Wilson's admirer past presidents Lincoln? both Socialists?  but my question is this, How to remove any damage done by this congress that put into motion a new Constitution a  new Constitution ( Corporation) that in fact put as a number of sales and goods?  you just became a commodity with this and in 1911-13 finalized what Lincoln started some 70-80 years earlier,  Now how do"We The People' reverse this?....

Abolish the 17th amendment....

In 1871 Lincoln had already been dead for six years.

Congress changes the Constitution every time they pass a law that violates it. The Supreme Court amends the Constitution every time they issue a ruling that is outside of their jurisdiction. The Constitution written in 1787 no longer exists, it is nothing more than a glorified hood ornament.

keith, sad but it is true!!!!!  the party apparatus controls everything and they are controlled by new world globalists like George soros and warren buffet!!!!!

So many are talking about a convention of states, but I fear they would change the Constitution,  our document that the founders gave to this country that made the greatest nation in existence.

safer than letting congress touch anything!!!!! if the tyrants would follow what we have our problems would be few and manageable.  they will ignore any changes made by an Article V convention also but I still favor the effort, may be our last peaceful option!!!!!

Bob if they have no amendment allowing income tax - no amendment allowing senators to be elected but selected by State Legislatures, then the courts have no 14th amendment to usurp powers and make State subservient to the Federal laws. The people would again control DC.

No money to bribe voter blocks and local governments, schools, Universities, 13,000 Lobbyist will leave DC the Unions will have less power and so will the big businesses.

It is that simple but people have to stop fighting each other and think of states rights and powers.


Thanks tried to get it to shrink but no deal?

Not the greatest nation in history or existence; just a bunch of low I.Q. braggarts, who slavishly pay 75 different kinds of taxes and let their children be controlled by the state.

They let their country be invaded by foreigners from every country in the world while other countries kill and main our children, whom we then send overseas to police people we don't know.

We let foreign corporations control our money, extract our oil and minerals, make our beer and inundate us with worthless products. Our constitution isn't that great; tho' the first amendments  may be, also known as the ten after thoughts.  


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