When Senators, Congressmen the President and/or the Supreme Court Justices violate their oath to protect and defend the Constitution it is the responsibility and duty of the people tp remove them from office.

The violation of the "Supreme Law of the Land" is an act of rebellion which qualifies as an act of treason.

Congress as the Constitutional authority to impeach the President and Supreme Court Justicea when they fail to honor their oath of office and members of the House of Representatives can be removed from office by voters in the next Congressional election.

Any Government officials that violate their oath disqualify themselves from serving in any office of public trust or compensation. It is the responsibility of Congress to remove the President and/or Supreme Court Justices when they violate their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. It is the responsibility of the people to refuse to re-elect representatives that fail to honor their oath.

In order for the government to function properly, it requires a well-educated and infirmed electorate. Ignorant and uninformed voters are not capable of holding government officials accountable.

It is the responsibility of every Citizen to know and understand the principles upon which our nation was founded. Un-educated voters are more dangerous to the preservation of ouer liberty than foreign enemies.

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