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Proportional Representation

After extensive debate, the framers of the Constitution agreed to create the House with representation based on Proportional Representation and the Senate based on equal representation.

The people of each state would participate in a direct election to choose their reprentatives, but the two senators would be chosen by the state legislatures.

The Congressional Representatives would represent the people in their respective districts while two senators would speak for the legislators who were elected by the people.

States with twice as many people would be entitled to twice as many representatatives and as the popularion of a state increased over time the ratio between the number of people and the number of representatives would remain constant. This prunciple of propportional representation would require that all Congressional Districts be equally apportioned.

The ner of 2 senators per state would remain constant. . This model both the large and the small states a voice in Congress and prevented the potential abuse of power by the large states.

The Founding Fathers established that each state would be entitled to one representative for every 30,000 inhabitants.

 In Federalist 56 - One of the criticisms raised against the Constitution was that there were too few members in the House of Representatives to adequately represent constituents.

The rule reads: “The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every Thirty Thousand.” This clause was intended to limit the size of Congressional District, not to limit the number of Congressional representatives,

Albert Einstein once remarked that "If we keep doing what we have been doing we will continue to get what we have been getting". 

After the first census in 1790 the House of Representatives was apportioned 105 seats. The census in 2020 it revealed the population was 84 times greater than it was in 1790. According to the rules of proportionality we should 84 times as many representatives today. 

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We can not change the direction our country is headed if we keeps electing officials who represent the interests Wall Street Bankers and Corporations.

When you vote for a Republican or a Democrat you are voting to benefit the oligarchy that has turned our Constitutional Republic into a form of Democratic Socialism.

If we stopped voting for lawyers, incumbants or members of the Repunlican or Democratic Parties the future of our nation would be much brighter.

Abandon the two major political parties and  join with the tens of millions of Americans who are fed up with rge status quo. Take actions today by joining the Constitution Party.


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