There are Two Constitutions
That's why it wouldn't matter if Obama was from the planet Mars. This entire dog and pony show about his birth record is nothing more then a bigger fraud with the agenda to distract. The plot thickens and the hits just keep on coming.
Whatever the capacity fact is: Obama is as illegal as a three dollar bill. Those in Congress failing to do their job are sucking up those bribes that are being handed out by this regime !
Washington DC is not only "sodom and gomorrah" , but "BRIBES R US"
A nation founded by Brilliance and now run by Idiots !
Technically there are two jurisdictions of the Constitution, not two constitutions. The 1871 Act, simply allowed for the people to "incorporate" and be regulated by the corporate side of the Constitution i.e congress and waive or give up their rights under the Republic or Judicial side of the Constitution.
You need to explain to people what the remedies are for this "expansion of freedom"(allowing corporations to have standing in court). The Constitution gives people the right to be stupid and perceive things other than the way they are. Most Americans have been educated to believe the "headlines" or short version of a complex theory of government and choose to default to the way it looks as opposed to the way it is.
If the government is a corporation, so what, it is also the free individuals who are able to use the Constitution (chains) to bind down government agents who would encroach on their freedoms. Can you say bill of rights? By using the Judicial power of government as opposed to "voting" for someone else who pretends they are protecting them through legislation, individuals have Article III powers to protect their sovereignty.
Wrong, there are two constitutions. One is the original that said the constitution "for" the united states of America, and the other one created in 1871 says the Constitution "of" the UNITED STATES (in all caps). The Act of 1871 did what Congress had no authority to do, and that was to create a government for the District of Columbia, and they created a corporation. Just do a search on the constitution "for" and "of" the united states and you will all see both of them.One is defacto and one is dejure. Zeke, we are not free, and anyone who thinks he or she is free is exactly where the people of the cabal or illuminate want you to be. Since we have all signed the form that says "I am a United States citizen" when we registered to vote, we have agreed to be citizens of the defacto District of Columbia (a corporation), and those citizens have no God given rights. They only have privileges. Citizens with privileges can't bind down anyone. Zeke, you also really think that your vote counts. No ones vote counts using the black box voting machines. They have been rigged since JFK was murdered, and everyone in the corporate government was put in their positions by the ones who count and control the votes from the black box machines that have no paper trail.. Individuals of the corporation don't have any Article III powers at all, they only have privileges. Come on Zeke, get educated. I am not attacking you but wake up. Your vote never counted and our country is not a country, it is a corporation and you are not a sovereign. Just look at your name on your drivers license, social security card, all bank records, military records etc. Your name is in all caps because you are a corporation too, and a dead one. Your name in ALL CAPS is exactly like what is on every tomb stone. You were declared dead by the corporation so they could use you and make money from your corporate fiction, and you never even knew. You say the government is a corporation, so what? Well the constitution does not apply to Taco Bell now does it? Can Taco Bell order you to pull over or appear in court? No, and neither can the corporation called the UNITED STATES and its CEO Barack H. Obama.
Zeke Layman said:
Technically there are two jurisdictions of the Constitution, not two constitutions. The 1871 Act, simply allowed for the people to "incorporate" and be regulated by the corporate side of the Constitution i.e congress and waive or give up their rights under the Republic or Judicial side of the Constitution.
You need to explain to people what the remedies are for this "expansion of freedom"(allowing corporations to have standing in court). The Constitution gives people the right to be stupid and perceive things other than the way they are. Most Americans have been educated to believe the "headlines" or short version of a complex theory of government and choose to default to the way it looks as opposed to the way it is.
If the government is a corporation, so what, it is also the free individuals who are able to use the Constitution (chains) to bind down government agents who would encroach on their freedoms. Can you say bill of rights? By using the Judicial power of government as opposed to "voting" for someone else who pretends they are protecting them through legislation, individuals have Article III powers to protect their sovereignty.
Thanks for responding Karl and I realize that you are not attacking me especially because you don't know me. Now this is apparent in your statement that I think my vote counts... I've written a lot about how the vote is what puts one into the corporation... this is the hook as you point out. Us individuals who exercise the sovereignty of the government (republic side) don't waive our rights by voting! Also, I may be a little older than you, and you might be surprised to know that my original drivers license has my name in upper and lower case.
All the examples you give make the "presumption" that the United States is a corporation because of the all caps or some declaration by a corporation. Like you said, a corporation can't pull me over or appear in court, and neither can the corporation called the United States, or any other corporation (police department). I agree to read and apply the non corporate side of the constitution, which would be the judicial power and not the Article I and Article II side of the Constitution which you call the corporate side. I think we kind of agree generally but maybe not specifically.
Hello Zeke. You are welcome. All black box voting is controlled. Your vote does not count EVER. You can't go down to your polling place the next day and ask for a printout of who you voted for because all of that data has been hacked. Yeah you may be a little older than me, but it does not matter. What matters is understanding that the bad guys knew a long time ago that in a republic, we could vote and there was a paper trail and our votes did count. Now however it has been proven on documentaries I have seen where some young college kids were asked to show how easy it was to hack into the black boxes and they were able to do it with about $15 buck worth of parts in about ten minutes.
As long as you have checked the little box on the voter registration form or the credit card application or on any other so called government form, you are validating that you are a citizen of the corporation. Even though your drivers license may be in upper and lower case, that means that you were probably born around the time when these changes were happening and our country went into the current legislative democracy we now have. I have no doubt that you are a corporation, because your name is in ALL CAPS on all other things like credit cards, bank records, military records, and social security.
I don't really make it into "sides" of the constitution. We had a republic that has been converted into a legislative democracy. Go study the Act of 1871. Study the Lieber Code. That was the first executive order and it was used by President Lincoln. The people here in America have all applied to be citizens of the corporation without their full knowledge or consent. Go into any court and try to argue with them about the IRS and bring up the constitution. The judge is an officer of the corporation and he or she will say that they will not hear the constitution in their court because it does not apply to corporate fictions, who have no rights.
We have also waived our right to travel by applying to be an "operator" or a "driver" both of which are terms for business engaged in commerce. If you want to travel over to see a friend in your car, you have no right to travel. You have a privilege to drive or be an operator. I know of a guy that fought that for years and had his vehicles stolen as he exercised his right to travel. He got thrown in jail and had his vehicles stolen so many times he gave up. Yes we agree generally but I must state clearly that Americans have been dumbed down with fluoride, and prozac, and brainwashed by the Tell a Vision.
We have been pretty stupid because we brush our teeth with poison, we eat GMO foods that have never been tested, and we have allowed this corporation to spray us with chem trails for almost 15 years. What is in those chem trails? Aluminum, strontium and boron. What does aluminum do in humans? It causes all kinds of health problems like Alzheimer's and we get sprayed like bugs almost every day.
So, in my conclusion, no your vote has not counted unless it was before 1933. I know that is a hard one to swallow but its true. The corporation called the UNITED STATES is in business to make a profit, and the most effective way to make the most profits is with war. That is why we have had the longest war in US history, and a President that was given the Nobel Peace Prize for having two wars going.
The good news is that I have heard that we have some white knights in positions of power that are ending the corporation. It won't be out of business until we see the removal of the yellow fringed flags in all of our schools and government offices and banks. It is headed in that direction and we will see dramatic things happen in this regard in the next two weeks.
I wonder how may people picked up on that "ovomit is the CEO of the corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"?
We are all close to the truth. I was born in North Carolina and the only spelling that follows me is Upper and lower, but still the Corporation applies. Words matter and spelling matters. The intervention of white knights has been vetted for over a year now and it is all on faith, no sure thing unfortunately.
The name of our country is the United States of America the name of the corporation in the UNITED STATES.
Well it looks like we got a lot of "lawyers" commenting on the "corporation concept". The corporation of the United States, regardless of how you spell it, is a fiction! Everyone agrees to that but not everyone agrees on what power that corporation has, in regard to the "common man". NONE
I don't believe the corporation has any power when it is in my venue, so I act accordingly. Most of you seem to give the "fiction" more substance than it really has. Corporations doesn't apply at any level except fiction of law, with me. Does it matter if it is ovama or obama? You guys really believe that a fiction can talk? I'm not included in the "we" waived our rights or the "we" have been dumbed down by drugs, gmo's, fluoride, etc. I separated out years ago, when I stopped voting, among other things. My vote doesn't count because I don't want it to count! There's nothing that needs to be voted on in my world, in fact voting is a corporate process that gives consent to be regulated in commerce.... but only by presumption. The commercial fiction is only brought to some form of reality by lawyers. I'm not a lawyer.
Our legislators are all so "dirty" they cannot take action, they'd be taken down in an instant.
Then ask yourself, where could these pigs get a legitimate job at even 50% of their present income, problem a little clearer now?
Good points. I feel I don't need to be governed at all, but that corporation has police and a sheriff that will pull you over if you have a light bulb out and they will force you out of your home if you fail to pay them back the loan they never gave you. The sheriff is the one who will help the bankers steal your home from you because he works for the corporation. In these cases the fiction is very real. I have undeniable proof that no one ever got a home loan from a bank. We just think we got a loan because when we signed the promissory note at the title office, we got handed the keys at closing. There is no ledger sheet showing a draw down of any money at any bank related to any home loan. It is illegal for banks to loan credit. It is illegal for banks to lend their depositors money, so where did your so called loan come from? These banks do not have millions and millions of dollars sitting in their vaults. They barely have 6% on deposit if that. They sold our promissory note which created new credits that look like a loan, but the banks never loaned anyone a dime. And to see the sheriff's help the bankers evict families and veterans from their homes is disgusting, but the "fiction:" does this every day.
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