As long as we keep re-electing incumbents to the House of Representatives we will continue to provide the bankers, lawyers and Wall Street Corporations wuth the abililty to fill the seats with their hand picked puppets..
The Congressional incumbents cast their votes to repay those who funded their elections. By voting the party line, they are virtually guaranteed the continued support of their political party..
If Congressmen knew they would not be re-elected, they would be able to vote their conscience. This would greatly dimish the power of the lobbyists and the political parties.In case you haven't noticed, voting for an incumbent only guarantees that Congress will continue to spend your money on things we don't want, don't need and can't afford.
If those we elect to Congress spent their own money as recklessly as they spend ours, they would be elgible to receive food stamps.
The primary job of a Congressional incumbent is to get re-elected. Instead of protecting the lives, liberty and property of their constituency, they dedicate themselves to repaying the bankers and Wall Street Corporations for their financial support.
A Congressman who doesn't vote the party line will lose the financial support of his party and will never be re-elected. Representatives who take their marching orders from the Wall Street corporations keep getting elected and those who actually serve the best interest of their constituents are as hard to find as a rooster that lays square eggs.
If Congressmen knew that they would only serve one term they could concentrate on serving their constituents rather than pandering to the corporations which got them elected.
Sadly, the people in your district don't elect your Congressional Representatives. The dollars contributed by the bankers and corpoations used to buy votes for the candiates of their choice.
what are ngo's
Non Governmental Organizations -
Mostly refers to government contractors doing all or a majority of their sales to the government at one level or another.
Companies like Lockheed Martin and McDonald Douglas come to mind.
And while we're at it, what about SCOTUS and other appointees? How do we really stem the problem of too big, too much government?
Well, when you think about it, everything you believe to be a governmental entity is an NGO except it is, in reality, set up on a profit basis for the bankster/Vatican mafia.
"A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels".
All supposed governmental entities in this country are actually non-governmental privately held companies operating in commerce for profit under limited liability insurance. They have contracted to provide governmental services for the people but somehow seemed to have lost their way. Could it have been planned that way from the very beginning? Take a good look around you before you answer that one.
You have hit the issue square on the head!! The only stance a knowledgeable Sovereign can possibly take on the issue of voting in this de-facto regime is to not vote at all. In fact, it is imperative, if one has registered to vote, to rescind your signature on that Voter's Registration.
First one must recognize that the United States is a de-facto corporation--a government in fact but not a government lawfully [de-jure] in place. It is known that under International Private Law a de-facto regime can only operate 'legally' if it maintains the consent of the governed. Just how does this de-facto corporation maintain the consent of the governed? By getting the people to register as a legal fiction to participate in the corporation's phony election process.
Voting is secondary. Its the registration that they need to con us into. Ever notice that anytime you have any dealings with Govco they always pose the questions: Are you registered to vote? Would you like to register today?
People have acted as the agent for the straw man [their created artificial entity] and voted for over 100 years and things never seem to get better. In fact, it seems that voting is as useless as wishing. I saw a bumper sticker a few years back that said: "If we don't vote will they go away?". I believe the answer to that question is 'yes, because they have lost the support of the dumbed down people acting as agents for their legal fictions'.
That sounds like an easy solution, however, getting people who have been convinced through the media and the public fool system that voting is a civic duty, to suddenly back out of their system is a daunting task. All their power and resources are focused on keeping the voters voting.
They like to say 'if you don't vote, you can't complain'. I like to say 'if you vote, you can't complain'.
I actually disagree with the premise if noone votes. Majority of americans dont vote already. They would retain power becuse they themselves vote and their families vote.
Good one Robert.
Most people don't realize that the 13th amendment says;
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
One must remember that words mean something. This was written by lawyers. Titled nobility. Slavery and involuntary servitude are the same thing. Why did they include both in the amendment; because it allows "voluntary" servitude. The majority of people have accepted their voluntary servitude.
Voluntary servitude includes all the people who receive government assistance. It also includes all those who vote in the system or pay taxes. We follow their rules because they tell us we have to.
Those who get smart and refuse to be a slave are then taken into custody by their Masters known as "Law Enforcement" and thrown in cages or outright killed.
but the Voter Registration is not the only way one evidences consent. Every time he autographs any instrument or form requesting any service, license or contact with that corporation, he, although he may not recognize it as such, is giving consent. Perhaps that’s why it is claimed “The pen is mightier than sword.”? It might be wise if we keep our pens in our pockets.
I fully agree. They like to say 'if you don't vote, you can't complain'. I like to say 'if you vote, you can't complain'.
As further proof a man is free, he has the birthright to exercise his freedom by not giving consent to be governed by his fellow man, See: CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 SE 70
“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent”
Yes but in today's world if you disobey the laws they will throw you in jail or worse yet label you a terrorist and then they can do anything they want to you.
Let them pass whatever laws they care to, they have not the capacity to pass laws which reach the rights of the American citizens, so who really cares what they pass relative to those who choose to occupy the legally proscribed New Plantation as one of their 'persons'=voluntary servant?
Who has power to pass laws affecting the lives of the 'persons' and effecting their privileges is only of concern to those who choose to 'appear as person' regardless of the name used in statute-speak to denote one such subject, servant, wigger-newnigger 'person', servile Congressional bootlicker, dirt groveler, sputum sopping, tax paying, grunts of the United States.
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