Even a hungry lion can not eat an elephant, but an army of ants sufficiently large can easily get the job done. Likewise, individual the voices of bloggers and liberty minded radio host are barely a whisper, but when they unite to share the message of individual liberty and personal responsibility their voice will resonate like thunder.
Please contact every blogger and radio hosts you know and tell them about Carl Swennson's effort to form a coalition of thousands of internet bloggers and radio hosts in order to take on the mainstream media. The war to restore the principles of liberty must begin in the hearts and minds of the American people before we will have the power to defeat the corrupt lawyers, bankers and politicians that have held us captive for so many years/
Let me know the names and the contact information for you favorite liberty minded spokesmen so that we can invite them to join our coalition.
Contact Keith Broaders at (951)283-3271 or email keithbroaders@gmail.com