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Choosing between a republican and a democratic candidate is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi. No matter who you choose, you lose.

Both political parties take their marching orders from the Wall Street bankers and corporations. With every vote taken they borrow money to pay for things we don't need and can't afford. They even borrow money to give away to other countries!

Last year the Federal government collect 3.4 trillion dollars in tax revenue and spent nearly 4.4 trillion dollars. The Congress had to borrow 1 trillion dollars to cover the deficit plus another 3.1 trillion to cover the interest on the National Debt.

Both the Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty of voting to allocate money to increase our debt and the profits for the international bankers. 

The Bankers and Corporations donate millions of dollars every two years to help get their puppets elected to Congress. Once the politicians accept these donations, they know that in order to get re-elected they need to take their marching orders from the billionaires who donated. 

In order to solve the problem, we must refuse to re-elect incumbents. If your Congressmen knew they would not get re-elected, they would more than likely vote their conscience and end the abuse of power inherent in the political parties of today.

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Good article.  I don't know the numbers myself, but I agree that Federal spending is out of hand. and that it is a threat to the country .

Whoa!!! Let's back up here just a bit. Now I think the Constitution Club is a great asset for teaching Americans a lot about that which the government has kept under wraps--basically, the principles that our original government was founded upon, however, that government has, with great subterfuge, been set aside.

The Act of 1871 set up a new government that, for all intents and purposes, portrays itself as our founding establishment. Unfortunately, ITS NOT OUR GOVERNMENT!!! Its a privately owned corporation whose ownership can be traced to the Rothschild Banking Empire/Vatican Mafia.

In other words, its a de-facto [Yep! it's there in fact] regime but its not a de-jure entity [there by lawful means]. Since its not our government, why are we even discussing voting for anyone? If you are not a member of the Elks Lodge why would you seek to go down and apply to vote for a new Elks' president?  

Just how does a de-facto regime maintain international legitimacy? There is only one way to do that. It is by showing that it has the support of the people, and how can it prove that it has the support of the people? By showing that the people, who have been reduced to the status of 'persons', have registered to vote as 'residents' [resident aliens] and then take part in the elections by voting.

I saw a bumper sticker once that said, "If we don't vote, will they go away?" Theoretically, that is correct. I think voting is less important than being registered to vote as registration imputes an intent to support the regime whether it be de-facto or de-jure.

So why are we even discussing voting for one group or another when neither has any commitment to the actual people of America. They all owe their souls and their jobs to the owners of USA INC. The real key to taking back our country should be to get every American to wake up and rescind his voter's registration.

People like to quip that 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain'.  I'm sure you can guess who came up with that ditty. I've always maintained that if you vote you have no right to complain because voting makes you part of the problem.

Refusing to reelect incumbents will not solve the issue. The bankers will have an easier time buying people if they weren't worried about reelection. Think about it. If I knew I could not get reelected I would sell my vote to the highest bidder for everything. I know my career is over either way.  The only way to fix the problem is to re-institute the Constitution.

First off we need proper representation by the numbers. As you have pointed out before there should be 1 representative per 30000 people. This would increase the number of people needing to be bought by such a number that  it would be very costly to buy all the votes.

The 17th amendment should be repealed so that senators are once again appointed by the congress from the state they represent.

Our representatives should not have spending accounts. They should receive only a compensation commensurate with what the average working class employee makes.

Representatives and all government appointees and employees should be on term limits.

The Federal Reserve must be abolished and an amendment that they never be allowed to institute a national bank again.

The military must be immediately disbanded. We must break up the military industrial complex that Ike Eisenhower warned us about. 

The Supreme Court was meant to only hear cases between states, Not individual people against anyone. They also were not given the power to judge any thing unconstitutional. They also never had the power to overrule a sovereign States laws.

Then the most important step must be done; the federal reserve must be forced back to the limitations placed upon it by the Constitution. The federal government was only supposed to make laws in dealing with foreign power. They weren't supposed to be making laws over the independent sovereign States. The Original Constitution has clearly written the "united"  States. the u in united was small case because they were a union of states not one nation under God. 

Why are we talking about electing anyone to participate in a corporation that we are not truly represented by? Which constitution are you referring to when you proposed to "re-institute the Constitution."? The Bankster/Vatican Mafia government already has a constitution. Its called 'The Constitution of the United States of America'. That instrument is nothing more than a set of corporate guide lines to be altered whenever they feel it necessary to accomplish their goals [New World Order].

Hoping that the sheep would not realize what took place when they, the International Mafia, took control of our country, they merely instituted a substitute for the original 'Constitution for the united States of America'. The slight of hand change from 'for' to 'of' made the instrument their property ['of' being possessive] and even though they probably will never come to claiming a trespass [can't let the cat out of the bag] for us making any claim under said agreement, it might just be a trespass.

You speak of the sovereignty of the States and I agree that the Supreme Court never had the authority to overrule sovereign State laws [as long as said laws were not out of conformance with the national constitution to which the states agreed to and as long as those states were sovereign]. The problem is that we have no sovereign States and haven't since the days of reconstruction where all said sovereign state governments were reconstructed into dependent federal sub-corporations that today, only weakly pose as sovereign entities.

The principle aim of any constitution is to determine who is financially responsible for the corporate debt. It can also delineate the authority of the government in its dealings with the people and other governments.

The federal reserve bank is the biggest scam in history and I agree that it should be abolished asap so that this country might have some chance of regaining fiscal equilibrium. If I was running the show the manufacturers of rope would have a windfall season.

Disbanding the military would completely upset the apple cart for the Mafia, after all, our military has been the official club to beat all the worlds governemtns into submission for the coming NWO. I think I made an error in a previous statement that we had vanquished all but 2 countries to the control of the Mafia [North Korea and Syria]. I forgot to mention Iran. You might have noticed that the drums keep beating regarding those 3 entities so as to keep the American public thinking in terms of 'terrorist nations' that need to be brought under strict control---and most probably with, yes, you guessed it---the military might of the good old US.  

Think about it. If a majority of the people rescinded the voters registration, this phony corporation pawning itself off as a legitimate government would lose all its support...and authority. This is the only way I can see, other than a violent overthrow, of ever getting back to a de-jure form of government.

Talking of correcting our situation at the voting booth is infantile. The Mafia owns the media, determines who will run, controls the vote count and always owns both horses in a 2 horse race. The Mafia has always played by the rule "Heads I win, tails you lose" but in our naiveté, we have been convinced that we are too smart to be fooled and Govco is here for our benefit.   

Bravo! You hit the nail on the head! Something of great significance you didn't mention was the CAFR and the fraudulent system of accounting used  by the crime syndicate.


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