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Median Net Worth of Congress Over Time

Net Worth Congress How much is a U.S. Senator or Representative worth?

The typical member of the U.S. Congress is worth $1.03 million.

The net worth of a typical member of Congress has grown 20% since 2007.

During those same years, the net worth of the typical American household dropped 35%.

In 2007 the typical senator or representative had a net worth of $803,000.

By 2010 that number had grown to $1 million.

At the same time, the net worth of U.S. families dropped from $126,000 to $77,000.

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Only individuals with a lot of money can afford to run for Congress. Most of the money they spend to get elected comes from donations from special interest groups. The vast majority of the American people can not afford to run for Congress. It seems that Congress is like an exclusive Country Club for the financial elite.

If the number of constituents in all Congressional Districts was limited to 50,000 it would cost virtually the same amount of money to run  for City Council as it would to run for Congress.

Currently there are 435 Aristocrats in the House representing 330 million peasants. All legislative power is vested in them. If we had smaller Districts of 50,000 that same amount of power would be shared with over 6,000 people like you and I.

I will download and read the book you are referring to "americagain"  However I can not agree with the fact that the people in New York City would be able to out vote the people in my small town in  Florida based on the amount of representatives you advocate.  It seems the masses in the very large metropolitan ares would control all laws (STATUTES) and the people outside of those very large condensed areas would be utterly out of luck. Personally, I believe we have to many "mouth pieces" in government now and that the federal government has overstepped their authority by at least a billion people.  More government would be a disaster worse than what we now are encumbered with.

agreed!  this is why we need to return to the original Constitution of of this Country and return God to our hearts and Country.  Hopefully President Trump will do as he said and "drain the swamp".


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