There are only two kinds of law, one is just and the other is unjust. A just law is negative law defines what you can not do and unjust laws are positive and seek to control us by compelling us to follow the rules.
Negative laws requires individuals to take personal responsibility and refrain from taking actions that violate another person's rights. Positive laws punish individuals for exercising their freedom to choose.
Unjust laws tend to benefit some of the people at the expense of others. In a just society people ate treated equally, but in an unjust society they are not.
In a free society people are allowed to do whatever they want as long as they don't violate another individual's life, liberty or property. In a totalitarian state people are compelled to follow the laws written by a ruling class.
We are expected to obey all of the rules, regulations, codes, ordinances, mandates and statutes that were written by the legislatures men while ignoring God's Law.
Since Congress first met on March 4th in 1789 Congress has passed over 30,000 Federal Laws and/or resolutions. Every bill signed by the President should comply with the powers enumerated in the Constitution.
There are over 10,000 bills and resolutions currently being considered before the United States Congress.
There have been 2,593 presidential vetoes since 1789 and only 112 were over turned.
Any Congressional legislation that benefits some of the people at the expense of others is unconstitutional,
The Constitution only allows Congress to collect taxes to pay our debts, provide for our common defense and promote the general welfare, Collecting taxes for any other purpose is prohibited.
In 2023 Congrss passed bills and spent 10 trillion dollars and had to had to borrow over three trilliom dollars just to balamce the budget.
Before the President signs any bill into law he should determine if the bill complies with the Constitution, and if it can be funded without having to go deeper in debt.
Our Nation now has a National debt of over 30 trillion dollars and must pay over 5 trillion dollars this year in interest to finance the debt. If Congress directed the Treasury Department to issue our money we would not need to borrow money to fund the government.
The job of Congress is to protect our rights, not to provide us with benefits paid for with other people's money.