Natural Law is God's Law and defines what we are prohibited from doing.T\
The fewer laws we have the more freedom we have.
The Laws of God were written to protect our righrs, not to control our lives.
When God's Natural Laws are obeyed liberty. equality and justice for all prevails .
When the legislatures of men write the laws benefit some of the people at the expense of others,
it rs grsrs, bir roghts Thou shall not lie, cheat or sreal. and shall respect the lives. liberty and property of every other persom. ndowment from our Creator and so is our responsibility to respect the rights of others.
God's plan for man is for us to govern ourselves and to make no effort to impose our will on others.
If men followed God's plan we would live in a land of liberty, equality and justice. Men will be governed by God or ruled by tyrants. Natural Rights are a gift from God, while Civil Rights are a gift from the legislatures of men.
When we understand the Laws of Nature and Nature's God we are blessed, but when we don't, we must suffer he consequence