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Look Who is Cooking the Books

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Like all corporations the Federal Government has both assets and liabilities. We are all aware that we have a $23 trillion dollars National Debt, but are unaware of the fact that the government has $146 trillion dollars in assets that are stashed away in hidden bank accounts.

In fiscal year 2015, the federal budget was $3.8 trillion. The Federal government collected a little over 3 trillion dollars in tax revenue. Instead of paying for the cost of government by transferring the money needed, Congress borrows the money and adds it to our National Debt,

Congress is currently spending money faster than it can be printed and the National Debt is now over $23 trillion dollars, grow so does the tax burden on the American people.

While the government's assets in 2015 grew by over 14 trillion dollars, We may have a budget deficit, but we have more than enough money to fund the government without borrowing any more money.

The Federal government does not need to tax the people to fund the government. In fact, their hidden surplus is large enough to pay off the National Debt while having over a 100 trillion dollars to spare.

Instead of taxing the people the government could be distributing trillions of dollars to the American people each and every year.

Congress could pay off all existing mortgages and student loans as well as providing free health care for everyone.

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