There are 11,251 bills and resolutions that are currently being considered before the United States Congress, but of less than 800 will reach the President's desk for approval.
Since Congress first met on March 4, 1789 Comgress has passed over 30,000 bills and resolutions and most of the legislation is uncomstitutional.
How many bills make it out of committee?
Most bills — about 90% — die in committee or subcommittee, where they are pigeonholed, or simply forgotten and never discussed. If a bill survives, hearings are set up in which various experts, government officials, or lobbyists present their points of view to committee members.
Rather than coming ideas on how to spend money that we dom't have on things we dom't need and can'y afford Comgress should be subtracting rather tham adding to the size of government.
To cut down on spending and the number of bills passed we should require that all proposed legislation be approved by a minimum of three fifths of the members of the senate.