Prior to the emancipation of the slaves there were millions of Americans living plantations in the Southern States. These slaves worked for their masters and received free housing, free food and free health care. Today there are millions of Americans that are receiving the same benefits while working on a plantation for a different master. The plantations that were formerly owned by wealthy individuals are not owned by the corporations and financial institutions that have seized control of our government.
The only difference is that the slaves of the past knew that they were slaves, while the slaves of today have been conned into believing that they are free. A man that thinks he is free is much more productive and easy to control than a man that knows that he is a slave.
Goethe, the German philosopher once said "The most helpless of all slaves is the man that falsely believes that he is free."
Our government is now providing the same services to millions of our countrymen that are either unable or unwilling to provide for themselves. The slaves were dependent on their masters and today millions of Americans are dependent upon the government.
After the slaves were emancipated a new form of human bondage was instituted. The bankers took over the plantations and realized that control of their employees was potentially more profitable than ownership. The bankers allowed the former slaves to work on a plot of land as long as they agreed to pay the landlord a portion of what they produced. This system of voluntary servitude replaced the system of involuntary servitude, but in both cases the individual was still obligated to serve his master.
Today, we are all 21st century share croppers. The government is the landlord and we are the peasants that work on the government's plantation. We are required to pay a portion of what we produce for the privilege of living in the land of the free. The rent we pay is extracted from us in the form of taxation. Taxation is nothing more than government sponsored extortion. When you or I take the property of others without their consent, we have committed a crime, but when the government does the same thing, we tolerate theft under the color of law.
It's true we all on the plantation, and none the wiser for it. The best slave is the one who believes he's free.
There seem to be an awful lot of slaves today who still believe they're free.
And the worst part of it is the slaves still believe they are free, any one try and renew their passport out of need while the Federal Government was closed down knows what I mean, you were being held against your will, read that as kidnapped, by the Federal Government period. How's that for so called freedom? Illegal aliens were free to continue invading our country, and we couldn't get passports for travel out side our own country. So now that the Government is back open for it's buisiness as usual, read that as dysfunctional, how's it feel to finally know we are on the plantation?
There will be a day of recognition.A day when reality hits and by that time the suffering will be massive. I keep hoping and praying that the awakening happens sooner than later but I can't see it yet. Some are starting to get it. Hence we have the " Tea Party". Brave patriotic Americans who will not sit still while tyrants tear our country apart. It must be working because they are calling names and acting like the sociopaths they are.
Joseph, your right, there is a day coming and the Fed's know it. The affordable care act is a failure on it's launch date, what does that tell you what's coming? The best IT consultants have reported it will not be fixied by January 1st, 2014. So it's a DOA law as expected. Need I say more? I believe it's self explainatory at this time. But what else did you expect from the Amatuer and Chief? We can't even look up his grade point average's while in high school, let alone his University records, or employment records, and what about his resumes?.
in the long run the government and the beltway crowd, no matter what side is currently in power will always want to control us......they are the elite, while we become the sheep that scramble around for the crumbs that Washington throws at us.....we support them but we have very little say in what they do to us, we are manipulated by the lies, they get rewarded with life time perks, while we get the little that is left over.
It seems to me that many people have no self esteem as long as they are fed and clothed by the government slave masters.What is sad as this article points out is the total ignorance and belief that they deserve all that they get.As a military retiree I did my time for a small check each month which is no where near what a government employee or one term senator receives.Like an idiot I took S/S at 62 because I could not find a teaching position not being certified in the lowest state in test scores,S.C. I could have gone back to school and paid more for college, but didn't so now I suffer.At least each day I can look at myself in the mirror and say,I may not have much but I have earned every penny.I believe the next step by the democrats,and especially Clinton who already advocated them,will be reparations which will be the final nail in America's coffin.
Keith I thank you and this is so true. The more we depend the government the deeper we get into slavery.
Obama the socialist communist wont's us to depend on the government and take us into Communist take over. I do believe some of the people are starting to wake up. I wish Obama would be tried for treason. We patriots are the only hope in saving America. It might take bloodshed.
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