A journalist reports the news and makes no attempt promote his or her personal opinons. A political commentator, on the otherhand presents their personal opinions in order to sway public opinion.
The corporations provide us with the news are in business to make money. Their profits come from their advertizers who wield a powerful influence on what the media presents to the public.
We used to have journalists that reported the news, but today we have political commentators who present their opinions as facts. Those masquerading as journalist today are agents of the Wall Street bankers and corporations assigned the task of misinforming the people.
If people would turn off their televison and read books, their brains would once agains functions as they should.
The mainssteam media is a tool in the hands of the financial elite to control what the peoplo think and believe. Unfortunately most people would rather be dold what is true than to figure it out for themselves.
The Wall Street bankers and corporations don't want the people to think critically, they want the people to blindly obey and do what they are told. They consider individuals who question authority and think for themselves to be dangeer to soeiety.