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Fifty Seventh District, western Pennsylvania Captain here,

I've got Eric Nelson covered like a wet blanket. Ask him, he'll tell you.

If each of us could grab ahold of our Rep. and ask him to Skype or Zoom with us and tell us exactly which jail he/she would prefer for their upcoming incarceration, should they continue to uphold this COMPLETELY UNLAWFUL stay at home order. Then ask them if they have lost any pay because of this "emerg(ing)ency".

Yeah I'm definitely interested. The governor here in Florida and the head sheriff of Broward County passed the unconstitutional law for curfew at 10 pm in Florida and the police and sheriff's everywhere here are and have arrested any civilian who is outside and not in their house by 10 pm.

Somebody please help me write an order for the governor and sheriff to get rid of that unlawful regulation they gave passed? Help me to threaten to put them in jail and impeach them from office if they don't lift the curfew.

Somebody contact me asap. 954-234-1908

You would have to be in Broward County, wouldn't ya? Figures. I would first request they prove their authority for such an act. As they will not be able to show you that, they will default to the next step. They will likely attempt to have you arrested. That is when "a Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...", would  be needed to come to the rescue of that individual facing down the "Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!"

To address your request for help, let me explain the nature of what your Gov. has done.

He has committed a completely unlawful act. The "actor" needs to be arrested and taken straight to jail, by their own office, if not another enforcement agency, such as the D.A. or even the Mayor; for federal crimes, punishable by Law. If the Sheriff supports the unlawful act, he is guilty of "misprision of office", or "misprision of treason", and should also be taken straight to jail. Let me make this perfectly clear.

There is NO PANDEMIC! And as such no "emergency". It's a complete media mind fuck! And even if it is unusual, or dangerous, I am not willing to "trade 'essential' freedoms, for a little safety," for I would "deserve neither." Anyone wonder now what Patrick was talking about when he said; "Give me Liberty or give me Death."? A meteor could end the human race, ten minutes from now. We are all standing on the outside of a rock, hurtling through space at a rate of over one million miles / hour, with nothing but a microscopically thin layer of air between us and "outer space". A layer of air by the way, that is just right to breathe. How convenient. My point is, that there are many and varied "dangers" associated with this planet and living on it. I will not be afraid. I will not cower in fear, because "they" said so.

Don't believe this is all a big farce? See if you can sit through this video, then tell me what you think.

Bottom line is, who will stand up and say, "The king wears no clothes". And thus, he is unfit to lead us. Even more, he should be immediately arrested and stopped from doing what he's doing.

The same can be said for ANY Governor, or State administration which violates your personal space to "protect you". It's for the good of everyone. Yea except ME! There is NO authority for closure of businesses because "we said so". If I had a car, I'd be on my way to the Capitol right now.


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