We give our Consent to Tyranny by Remaining Silent
The Interanational Bankers control our money, the BAR Association controls our courts and corrupt career politicians control our lives.
This has happened because of the collective ignorance and apathy of the people, We have allowed an oligarchy of rich and powerful individuals to seize control of our government.
Those who lurk in the shadows have accomplished their diabolical agenda because we have allowed them to control the schools and the media. They have successfully brainwashed us into thinking what they want us to think and believing what they want us to believe.
They have abandoned the Constitution and have re-written history and to enslave us. They have convincd us that the government 's job is to redistribute wealth from the most productive members of society to those who are less productive.
They have convinced us that we live in a democracy and that as individuals we are selfish if we want to keep that which we have earned.
The rights that our founding fathers fought for have become privileges granted to us by the government that was created to protect our rights.
The men and women we have elected to serve us have bccome the servants of the financial elite and have turned the land of the free into the home of perpetual debt slaves.
I work many hours every day to provide you with articles to help you to understand what has happened to our to our Constitutional Republic and what we can do to restore it.
I am nearly legally blind and I receive less than $700 a month from social security. If you are able to contribute to support me in my efforts to educate America please click on the button below and please share what I have written withyour friends and neighbors..
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As long as we keep re-electing incumbents to the House of Representatives we will continue to provide the bankers, lawyers and Wall Street Corporations wuth the abililty to fill the seats with their hand picked puppets..
The Congressional incumbents cast their votes to repay those who funded their elections. By voting the party line, they are virtually guaranteed the continued support of their political party..
If Congressmen knew they would not be re-elected, they would be able to vote their conscience. This would greatly dimish the power of the lobbyists and the political parties.In case you haven't noticed, voting for an incumbent only guarantees that Congress will continue to spend your money on things we don't want, don't need and can't afford.
If those we elect to Congress spent their own money as recklessly as they spend ours, they would be elgible to receive food stamps.
The primary job of a Congressional incumbent is to get re-elected. Instead of protecting the lives, liberty and property of their constituency, they dedicate themselves to repaying the bankers and Wall Street Corporations for their financial support.
A Congressman who doesn't vote the party line will lose the financial support of his party and will never be re-elected. Representatives who take their marching orders from the Wall Street corporations keep getting elected and those who actually serve the best interest of their constituents are as hard to find as a rooster that lays square eggs.
If Congressmen knew that they would only serve one term they could concentrate on serving their constituents rather than pandering to the corporations which got them elected.
Sadly, the people in your district don't elect your Congressional Representatives. The dollars contributed by the bankers and corpoations used to buy votes for the candiates of their choice.
so true, how hard it that to figure out?
We give our Consent to Tyranny by Remaining Silent That would be true if tyrrany were afoot, but it is not.
The Interanational Bankers control our money,
No, it is not your money. If the 'it' you write about is the Federal Reserve Note, it is money only for those who think of and use it as such. NOBODY is obligated to use the FRNs except to pay public debt and tax obligations, voluntarily adopted obligations. So leave the FRN to the International bankers and stop touching their tar baby. Or, better yet, use the FRNs without maintaining your obligation to pay to the International Bankers through the only means by which to do so, participation in the IRS pass-through gifting program which most folks signed up to participate in as 'taxpayers'.
the BAR Association controls our courts Actually the only aspect of the courts available to the Attorneys is that which precedes on fictions of law named as joined parties. If you are delivered a Complaint, quash it by countering every claim of 'person' status as uttered within the Complainant and thereby deny ratification of commencement by which the court might otherwise gain jurisdiction over you through the founded presumption of joined party person to the Case then had within the invoked forum within which you are viewed as appearing as "Defendant".
and corrupt career politicians control our lives. Please provide for me an action by which a career politician imposes on your rights.
This has happened because of the collective ignorance and apathy of the people, We have allowed an oligarchy of rich and powerful individuals to seize control of our government. No, certain offers are expressed by Legislation which suggest particular behavior and provide fines and penalties for failing to so behave. Those Codes and statutes apply only to those who accede to the terms thereof by assent through subscription and sustain that effective connection through waiver of right to break the effective connection. Government's job is to serve us and make sure that we are provided that which we demand of it. . .such as being treated as 'taxpayer'. If you are being treated as 'taxpayer' there is but only one reason for that . . .because you demanded to be treated a such. Nobody forced you to ask to be provided a government product and held to the obligations inherent to it.
an oligarchy of rich and powerful individuals HAS NOT seize control of our government. The people each independently offered themselves as voluntary servants in submission to our servant government. It is all the fault of those people, we are our own worst enemy and always have been. If you do not like your shoe-shine's heel jammed in your neck, get the hell up off the ground where you bent to in order to lick his boots ! ! AND STOP YOUR SHAMEFUL WHINING.
Those who lurk in the shadows have accomplished their diabolical agenda because we have allowed them to control the schools and the media. They have successfully brainwashed us into thinking what they want us to think and believing what they want us to believe. You believe whatever the heck you choose to believe . . .no brainwashing has occurred except that you invited on yourself or imposed on yourself by wrong headed thinking. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM ROLL. IT IS DISGUSTING AND SHAMEFUL. Well, what the heck do you expect ? The American citizens abandoned their government, it did not abandon them. You left your post at the palace and others walked right in to influence its operations. Get off your ass and strip off the slave suit you have covered your rights with.
They have abandoned the Constitution and have re-written history and to enslave us. They. . .they. . . they . . BULLSHIT "they" ! They is you and all the other you who set aside your substantive rights in lieu of SIGNING UP TO BE TREATED AS OCCUPANTS OF THE NEW PLANTATION. Wigger takes on a new meaning. Whether black, white, yellow or red. . . .all are welcome to step up and use the obligation bearing privileges offered by open hand and at arm's length by the United States --The New Plantation- - where all can enter and be government niggers. Live wherever you want and work any way you please as long as you return to the master the share which the master's sharecrop operatives demand of you by way of the IRC, Title 26 which you subscribed to and submitted your rights to be subjected to. Boo-hoo ! Stop all the crying and get the hell out of the shit-hole situation which you and you alone are responsible for having bonded your rights to.
They have convincd us that the government 's job is to redistribute wealth from the most productive members of society to those who are less productive. "Convinced" you . . .really are you that G.D. gullible ? You admit right here that you recognize that 'they' were seeking to unduly influence you and simultaneously you admit that YOU PERMITTED AND PERMIT them to do so and NOT RAPE your rights, but talk you into laying down and voluntarily permitting them to FUCK you. Be a Man or be a Human and push them off, close up the holes you opened for their use and get the hell out of their system WHICH YOU VOLUNTEERED TO BE SUBJECTED TO. Stop fulfilling the victim roll.
They have convinced us that we live in a democracy and that as individuals we are selfish if we want to keep that which we have earned. At this point I want to puke on my keyboard over this "Convinced" h o r s e s h i t !! Stop whining and looking for sympathy AND TAKE THE DOG LEASH OFF YOUR NECK . . .THE ONE WHICH YOU FOUND THE MASTER HOLDING ON TO, THE ONE WHICH YOU PICKED UP AND PUT AROUND YOUR NECK, THE ONE YOU CONTINUE TO WEAR AND WHIMPER ABOUT BEING CONTROLLED BY. I own a dog. It refuses to leave the house unless I put the shock collar on its neck. A very appropriate metaphor, I think.
The rights that our founding fathers fought for have become privileges granted to us by the government that was created to protect our rights. Those privileges are not granted to anybody unless and until they ask for them. There is no such thing as a privilege granted if not preceded by one expressing a willingness to receive the grant AND BE BOUND TO THE TERMS RELATIVE TO IT. And our founding fathers did not fight for rights. They fought for and obtained the liberty to express those rights under protections of laws framed by and in service to them, laws not favoring a potentate king foreign or domestic. They told their government (England) to go screw itself. Most American citizens emulate and pridefully crow about the accomplishments of those forebearers ion one breath and then return to otherwise occupying themselves with licking at the erect and protruding privilege bar of government called privileges with obligations=civil rights=government product=regulated activity=use of government property=participation in the voluntary servitude role under the domination of the Massuhs who be is runnin' dat fabelus New Plantation what at so many peepuls do grovel fo' everythin' what massuh see fit to provide dem woefully piss=po' freeslaves who ain't got no self respect.
Have some self respect and walk out the open door of the New Plantation which you wandered in through and got lost in the overgrowth and mist of that swamp.
The men and women we have elected to serve us have become the servants of the financial elite and have turned the land of the free into the home of perpetual debt slaves. Nope. Debt slaves came to be by the means explained above.
I work many hours every day to provide you with articles to help you to understand what has happened to our to our Constitutional Republic and what we can do to restore it. A noble undertaking. But no matter how many hours you toil to that end, it shall change nothing unless some on gets off their ass and issues the Directives which scrape the government crust off their rights which they themselves put there.
I am nearly legally blind and I receive less than $700 a month from social security. If you are able to contribute to support me in my efforts to educate America please click on the button below and please share what I have written withyour friends and neighbors..
What I can do for you Keith is alleviate the legal blindness you have adopted regarding your rights. Getting out of the IRS tax scheme does not interfere with one's Social Security benefits. The two are mutually exclusive of one another.
The American People must make a choice now! Tomorrow is too late, let Congress know that, WE the People, want all those that believe There is something better then our Constitution, for our Nation resign now, or be removed by force with out any benefits nor Pay! Resign or be fired tomorrow. Congress fire all those that believe in something other then our Constitution. "Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, and out right Communist." THEY DON'T BELONG IN ANY PLACE IN OUR GOVERNMENT, NOT EVEN AS JANITORS. "ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES MUST BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION." " AMERICA'S LAW."
Gilberto Garcia . . .to have an orderly government under the Constitution, NOBODY need "believe in the Constitution" they simply must follow its instruction.
Nobody need believe in a blueprint in order to build the house which it expresses.
Nobody need 'believe' in a recipe by which the adherence to results on a plate of pasteles puertorriquenos.
Government is not subject to "belief". Such words are jingoisms without actual effect other than possibly stirring some to action. Stirring to action can be important because not a damned thing happens until something happens.
The Constitution is only dirty scratches on parchment IN REPRESENTATION of an ideas.
The dirt and dried animal skin are meaningful ONLY for the fact that the symbols viewed by vision of it EXPRESSES that idea to one's mind and the possessor of that mind takes action reflective of those ideas. That product is not some magical holy grail. Those in agreement with the idea may act in REPRESENTATION of that idea ( hence acting as representatives of government) AND if others, presumably the People of the nation in whose service the ideas are expressed, have a meeting of the minds relative to those ideas, their ideas and concerns on which they show agreement by representative voting, then also are REPRESENTED by those they elected to REPRESENT that idea of government. A Constitution provides specifications for the construction of governmental powers AND operating instructions for the resulting constructively constructed expression thereof which we call government. Every last bit of what government is, is reduced to yet more dirt scratches on paper. The actions undertaken in the name of (in representation of) the ideas about government are recorded in no other manner than man making lines with dirt on sheets of wood fiber.
The only way for a nation to be free is that each of its self avowed citizens make and keep themselves free. If you receive communication from any aspect of government seeking that you pay to it or bow to it, you are not free but have done some act by which you subjugated your rights to your servant government. In that case, the restrictions on your rights is your fault alone and can be corrected by your actions alone, because it is actions which you effected earlier which result in the restrictions.
I will not respond to X either you have a name or not. I don't answer to people that talk in circles, just like Communist talk to yours all I do is fight or kill, lairs.
Of course you do not respond, because you are incapable of defending the words you have thrown about thus far. You talk tough but hide or run for your gun when the issues are placed directly before you on the table. Daddy isn't by your side to shore up your ignorance and intolerance based bullying, so you reach for the gun and threaten death. God looks directly into your heart Gilberto Garcia. You can feign indignation to me in order to shirk your duty to standing like man and addressing the issues, but you cannot hide from Him. What you view as an effective response is to kill those you disagree with, an indignant boy with a gun. You remind me of the totalitarian thugs you pretend to be a hero for killing the pawns of who marched in their name under threat of death if they resisted. Cowards who are unwilling to risk their personal rights by exercising their right of freedom of expression usually do the very same thing, resort to violence and destruction, killing those who dare to express their beliefs and opinions. The experiences of your forefathers give you no rights that the rest of us do not also have.
"X" is my mark, not my name. My name does not matter for the purposes of this communication forum, for I grant no one a use of my rights by invoking my name.
You don't kill anybody, you just run your big mouth and look for enemies which probably do not exist.
I talk in circles only to the degree that you are incapable of following the communication because it sends your head reeling. Perhaps you should befriend your fellow troglodytes who communicate with clubs, guns and sharp sticks.
you whom ever you are invoke God, you because you are a lair you use God where you have no (Cohones = Balls) just so you know. Communist don't believe in God, I know what God can do and to prove it to you he will visit you one night.and you will know it was him. and he will tell you about my sins. and why he still Loves me, and how he knows you. Your Communist mouth will being God to you. soon. may God save your soul. and your name.
I would never save a RED.
Now my mind is closed for you.
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