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Most of us as children remember hearing the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin who successfully led the children of Hamelin away from the safety of their village.

Today there are charismatic personalities  who have been chosen by the financial elite to lead the people into captivity by

Just as the children of Hamelin were lead away into captivity, we too are vulnerable, when we put our faith and trust in those who are agents of those whose agenda is to exploit us.

In order to be truly free, we must take personal responsibility for our actions. Trusting in the opinions of others can be very dangerous. Study the issues and decide for yourself what you believe is true.

Since the beginning of time the people of the world have been divided into two classes. The rich and powerful have dominated the planet and kept the masses in a state of involuntary servitude.

They financial elite have created a double standard where the rules that apply to the masses do not apply to them.

In the world today liberty, equality and justice are unattainable to most of the inhabitants of the world.The financial elite control the people by controlling what they are taught in the schools and what they see and hear on television, radio and the internet. The masses are being programmed each and every day to accept the lies that enable the rich to get richer.

Many of our modern day heroes were manufactured by the media in order to lead us down the path to our own destruction. Instead of listening to those who preach the truth we tend to listen to those who promise us something for nothing.

Joseph Goebbels the Nazi Minister of Propaganda once stated "It it the responsibility of the state to control the formation of public opinion."

Our schools are not centers of learning where our children are educated, they are centers where our children go to be trained to be obedient and to look to their government for solutions to their problems. Beware of those who promote themselves as Patriots that are pretending to be friends of liberty when they are ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing.


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