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Paying Income Taxes is Voluntary

Did you know that paying the income tax is voluntary and that there is no law that requires most Americans to pay income taxes. When you fill out a 1040, you voluntarily enter into a contract that obligates you to pay the IRS.

Most Americans comply with a law that doesn't exist because they are afraid of what will happen to them if they don't. This is the very definition of extortion.

Most people don't realize that the IRS is a privately owned corporation that serves as a collection agency for the Federal Reserve. The Grace Commission Report revealed that all of the money collected by the IRS is used to pay the interest on the money Congress has borrowed from the Federal Reserve.

The wages we receive in exchange for our labor is not income. Income is defined as the profit from corporate activity. If you are a government employee or you live in Washington D.C., you are required by law to pay income taxes.

What you receive in the form of compensation is your personal property and the ownership of your property is one of your God given rights.

The tax dollars extorted from us are then used to purchase weapons of mass destruction to be used in wars of aggression and also to terminate the lives of millions of unborn babies. 

The income tax is clearly unconstitutional. 

Supreme Court has ruled that most Americans are

not required to pay income taxes.

How to stop paying the Federal Income Tax 

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Income tax is as simple as this:  Free American citizen or any other citizen voluntarily elects to subjugate his rights to be subject to the operative scope of Title 26, a body of law to which he is foreign until he demands to be made resident to it for the purposes of its enforcement against his property ( his rights).  Internal Revenue Service does serve and takes that citizen's initial Form 1040 statement as the serious demand for services which is it as founded within Legislation expressed by Congress/United States under delegation of authority provided it by the People by and through A1, S8, cl.17 of the Constitution. The subscriber to terms who continues to waive denial of service, that man or woman, one rightly treated as 'taxpayer' because they did command that they be treated in that status, shall be treated as such and provided the FULL BENEFIT of Title 26 as provided for them, even the seizure and liquidation of their property and incarceration under the adjudicated terms of the IRC.   The reason that it is so powerful is for the fact that the people generally delegated the United States the power to express that operative scope and each individual whom is treated as taxpayer did personally and directly delegate to the IRS the power to enforce directly against their property but through the portal defined as 'person' called 'taxpayer' which is an account identified by the NAME, such as WILLYA PLEASE TAXME and a Taxpayer Identification Number such as 394-92-4987 which is not ever referred to within the IRS as a 'Social Security number', as it is defined by the holding company of such property which is property of the American citizens though held for their common ownership interest by the trust entity 'Social Security Administration' which is an independent governmentally expressed operative agent owned by and in favor of the American citizens for their common good.

So, participation in the IRS program is voluntary, but for those who have volunteered, the operative scope is applied mandatory lest those who volunteered into it do dissolve the effective connection they made at the initiation point and thereby become separated from it.

Income tax is as simple as this:  Free American citizen or any other citizen voluntarily elects to subjugate his rights to be subject to the operative scope of Title 26, a body of law to which he is foreign until he demands to be made resident to it for the purposes of its enforcement against his property ( his rights).  Internal Revenue Service does serve and takes that citizen's initial Form 1040 statement as the serious demand for services which is it as founded within Legislation expressed by Congress/United States under delegation of authority provided it by the People by and through A1, S8, cl.17 of the Constitution. The subscriber to terms who continues to waive denial of service, that man or woman, one rightly treated as 'taxpayer' because they did command that they be treated in that status, shall be treated as such and provided the FULL BENEFIT of Title 26 as provided for them, even the seizure and liquidation of their property and incarceration under the adjudicated terms of the IRC.   The reason that it is so powerful is for the fact that the people generally delegated the United States the power to express that operative scope and each individual whom is treated as taxpayer did personally and directly delegate to the IRS the power to enforce directly against their property but through the portal defined as 'person' called 'taxpayer' which is an account identified by the NAME, such as WILLYA PLEASE TAXME and a Taxpayer Identification Number such as 394-92-4987 which is not ever referred to within the IRS as a 'Social Security number', as it is defined by the holding company of such property which is property of the American citizens though held for their common ownership interest by the trust entity 'Social Security Administration' which is an independent governmentally expressed operative agent owned by and in favor of the American citizens for their common good.

So, participation in the IRS program is voluntary, but for those who have volunteered, the operative scope is applied mandatory lest those who volunteered into it do dissolve the effective connection they made at the initiation point and thereby become separated from it.

Income tax is as simple as this:  Free American citizen or any other citizen voluntarily elects to subjugate his rights to be subject to the operative scope of Title 26, a body of law to which he is foreign until he demands to be made resident to it for the purposes of its enforcement against his property ( his rights).  Internal Revenue Service does serve and takes that citizen's initial Form 1040 statement as the serious demand for services which is it as founded within Legislation expressed by Congress/United States under delegation of authority provided it by the People by and through A1, S8, cl.17 of the Constitution. The subscriber to terms who continues to waive denial of service, that man or woman, one rightly treated as 'taxpayer' because they did command that they be treated in that status, shall be treated as such and provided the FULL BENEFIT of Title 26 as provided for them, even the seizure and liquidation of their property and incarceration under the adjudicated terms of the IRC.   The reason that it is so powerful is for the fact that the people generally delegated the United States the power to express that operative scope and each individual whom is treated as taxpayer did personally and directly delegate to the IRS the power to enforce directly against their property but through the portal defined as 'person' called 'taxpayer' which is an account identified by the NAME, such as WILLYA PLEASE TAXME and a Taxpayer Identification Number such as 394-92-4987 which is not ever referred to within the IRS as a 'Social Security number', as it is defined by the holding company of such property which is property of the American citizens though held for their common ownership interest by the trust entity 'Social Security Administration' which is an independent governmentally expressed operative agent owned by and in favor of the American citizens for their common good.

So, participation in the IRS program is voluntary, but for those who have volunteered, the operative scope is applied mandatory lest those who volunteered into it do dissolve the effective connection they made at the initiation point and thereby become separated from it.

For those that read the rule, they clearly state that only 'citizens of the United States' are subject to the current income tax.  Thus anyone who owes their citizenship to the 14th amendment or a foreign alien is subject to the income tax laws.

If things are as the evidence strongly indicates and we are all under communist controlled fed military occupation, all actual rights have long been suspended in which case the constitutions are irrelevant and communist policy trumps law making all people subject to the income tax.

In fact, fed military occupation is the only way state-only citizens can be made subject to the general law making powers of congress.

Please indicate where "the rule, they clearly state that only 'citizens of the United States' are subject to the current income tax."   I have never seen such a condition set forth.  In fact a great many individuals whom are not citizens of the United States file and pay personal income tax to the IRS. 

I posit that one's participation in IRS taxation in the role of taxpayer has nothing to do with one's citizenship at all. 

Whom, specifically, do you allege "owes their citizenship to the 14th amendment"?  

Do you allege that there are certain classes of people or even a single class of citizen which are obligated from birth to act as taxpayers?   If your answer to the foregoing question is "yes", do you hold that there is any way those of that class have any means by which to escape that obligation ?

Please provide some examples of  'foreign alien' relative to the context in which you used it in your post of 11/3/2018.

As for your 'If' qualifier setting your second paragraph conditionally, the balance of it is utter indefensible nonsense.  Just that you are unable to make sense of the part of the world you are observing does not give you license to set forth unsubstantiated and indefensible conclusions. 

As for your fourth sentence, beginning with "In fact"  . . . no fact follows that precept.  

#1, What evidence can you offer to show the ' fed military occupation' you write of ? (presuming "fed" to mean 'federal') 

#2. There is no such thing as "state-only citizen" and no such phrase is found in American jurisprudence. The phrase may have meaning to you, but not to the laws of the United States of America. 

#3. How, specifically, do you define the phrase, "general law making powers of Congress." ? 

#4. Specifically what passage of the Constitution for the United States of America delegates that power to the Congress ? 


The following are merely my opinions garnered from 28 years of study and my own experience. If you want verification, start studying or applying what really makes sense here.

I see a lot of wrangling on the issue of income taxes and to whom they apply on this site. I submit that no living being has ever been subject to those taxes by any so-called laws of the United States.

The only ones subject to said taxes are legal fictions. Isn't that the entity NAMED on every single communication from Govco [and every other corporate entity we do business with] to the people? Aren't legal fictions the only entities that Govco has any real authority over? Let's face it, every so-called law [actually, not laws at all but public policy under bankruptcy] says 'any person who does this' or 'any person who fails to do this' shall be guilty of....  If the living were the subjects of their so-called laws couldn't they say 'any of the people who do this...?

We commonly use the word person to refer to a man, woman or child, however, when used in any legal or contractual sense it appears that the 'term' person always refers to a legal fiction---that entity we call "the straw man". Notice how the term 'person' is defined in Blacks Law. "Person. In general usage, a human being (ie. natural person) ....  Now that's a bit of real subterfuge. First of all, they are giving a common usage definition in a legal dictionary hoping to convince the unwary that the term is commonly used everywhere to mean the living. Then they throw in the (is. human being). Under the four corners doctrine anything that is enclosed in brackets has no legal significance whatsoever and is merely there for informational purposes [or to deceive]. 

So if income taxes only apply to a legal fiction and you are not one, but somewhere along the way you got ensnared [like we all did] in believing that the ALL CAPS NAME was you and now you realize you've been snookered into being the surety for a legal fiction for the benefit of a mafia Cabal, what can you do about it? Send them an affidavit of mistake based on fraud in the inducement. They had a lawful duty to tell you the truth but they intentionally left out all the details. I guess they figured only a few really, really stupid people would just volunteer to give up a huge chunk of the energy to a bunch of criminals.  

Isn't the straw man the real Taxpayer? I postulate that it is. Govco, the IRS, or any other privately owned corporate or pseudo governmental entity can't ever see the living as being living men and women. They see us as actors playing the part of dead entities called 'persons' and our role is, in actuality, that of being the surety/fiduciary for said straw man person.

If you look at how they address you you will notice that all mail sent is to the ALL CAPS name, not your Christian appellation. They are sure to use the 2 letter state abbreviation and a zip code [ZIP- Zone Improvement Plan]. This address is contractual and by receiving mail addressed as such it raises the presumption that the straw man it is addressed to exists in the fictional Federal taxable zone and the guy that opens that mail and keeps it has agreed to be the fiduciary for their straw man.

Their straw man is the only 'person' qualified to be a U.S. citizen because it is the only entity that can be born [created] in the United States [a corporation, not a country]. 

State citizen/Citizen, what difference does it make. It is also my opinion that there are no sovereign states any more. Those governments went the way of high button shoes after the Civil War. We were taught that the Reconstruction Acts were purposed for rebuilding the war torn South. That appears to be false teaching as the South was raped by carpet baggers from the North who grabbed up everything of value that wasn't destroyed in the war.

I think the real purpose of the Reconstruction Acts was to reconstruct all the governments of the Southern states to be sub-corporations of the Federal government. That way the bankster/Vatican cabal would have, not only the Federal government on the bankruptcy hook, but also all the state governments as well.  Things were getting much juicier for the Cabal. 

The next part of their scheme was really a gigantic step up in their quest for dominance. They came up with the phony 14th so-called amendment proposed to free the slaves but it true intentions were to enslave the free. How did they pull this off? By getting everyone to register their children's births. Registration in the new State governments granted legal title to the registered property to the sub-corp States. From said registration Govco issued a bond on the delivery of the res [new born], created a legal fiction [straw man] on which it wrote a bond and sold the bond to the Cabal in exchange for credit created out of this air. They then attached the ALL CAPS  straw man to every living man or woman without their knowledge or consent which was, of course, a fraud.

Now before anyone gets upset about all this just bear in mind that without the straw man you wouldn't have an interface with their commercial system--the only realm that this de-facto government has any authority over.

They control all commerce.  That's why any time you finance a home or an auto it is always registered [transfer of legal title] with the State where you are now required to follow all types of costly performances. You don't have any say in this unless you pay for the home or auto in cash. I always make sure that I pay at least $21 of the purchase price in U.S. pre-1964 silver coins. Since the minions never understand my reason for insisting that the silver coins appear on the invoice I always agree to buy them back for the exchange rate agreed to.    

None of the foregoing posed by daniel allan:pendergast creates an obligation that a man or woman participate in the IRS taxing program.

The only way in for him or her is by voluntarily picking up, executing and submitting an IRS Form 1040.

Once that command is issued to the IRS that it treat the Form 1040 submitter as resident for the purpose of Title 26 enforcement is made, the IRS is duty bound to provide all applicable services as set forth within the operative scope of T26 to he who so commands service, even to the point of taking his/her property and throwing him/her in jail if he/she violates jailable statute provisions.  Whomever has been acted upon by the IRS to any degree is only being provided the services he/she demanded.  Complainint=g or challenging from the standing of taxpayer, no matter what issues are raised, is frivolous.  Even the action which would be effective if made from the standing of non-taxpayer, is frivolous when raised or claimed within the status of "taxpayer". 

There is no more to the formation of effective connection to IRS obligation that that; the one's filing of 'their' first IRS Form 1040. 

Doing that act is undertaken by one's unalienable right to volunteer to servitude. 


Credit where credit is due:  By his post Reply by daniel allan:pendergast on October 8, 2018 at 11:38am,  the one posting is correct about how folks get into the IRS system.  Thank you  daniel allan:pendergast !


In the instructions which could be down loaded, it used to clearly state that only 'citizens of the United States' were obligated to pay and that 'non-resident aliens' were exempt.   A 'citizen of the United States by legal definition, is a citizen of the fed gov via the 14th amendment.

A 'non-resident alien' would be someone who is only a citizen of a state living in a state, making them a non-resident alien of the United States / fed gov.

Actually there is case law addressing the fact that after the 14th there are people who are only citizens of their state. That it is not necessary to be a citizen of the United States in order to be a citizen of a state.  You need to do some research on the 14th.

The general law making powers of congress is just what it means. Congress is only allowed to make laws concerning just a few things regarding state-only citizens.  Congress is NOT delegated the power to come into the states and rule the state-only citizens concurrently with the states wherein state-only citizens are treated like fed citizens.

I'm not sure why anyone who recognizes where we are standing would choose to claim any type of citizenship. You are still claiming citizenship for a legal fiction who has zero natural rights. Why not 'come out of Babylon' and rebut any presumptions that you have agreed to be the fiduciary for the legal fiction--that interface with their de-facto commercial system.

Which is better, to rebut the presumption of suretyship and claim that the straw man legal fiction is your debtor under your right of subrogation [their commercial laws] or continue to think that their public policies under bankruptcy are controlling factors in your life?

All this BS about voting is just that, BS. It is a de-facto regime and, in order to maintain legitimacy under international private law the de-facto must obtain the consent of the governed to remain in force. How do they do that? By getting the people to register to vote. They really don't care whether you vote or not. Registration to vote is what they need. Voting is meaningless when the Cabal always owns both horses in a 2 horse race. In the case of someone getting through that is not in the Cabal's favor they turn on their magic vote counting machines. It is not the voters who determine the outcome but he who counts the votes [Stalin --loosely]  

As to your first paragraph, one is either a citizen in some capacity or he has no law, no lawfully recognized rights and no recognized capacity to have, hold and defend property. Such was the condition of the 'freed' former slaves. 

If your mother dropped you within the geographic boundaries of one of the states of the Union, and she was not here illegally, you are an American citizen=Citizen of the United States of America whether you like it or not.  I suggest that you might learn to like it since there is no more superior status on this planet short of recognized royalty.  The aforementioned status is citizenship "jus soli." The equivalent alternative, 'jus sanguinis', is recognized as endowed in those given birth to by American citizen mother, or mother carrying baby fathered by American citizen,  though she delivers a place foreign to the United States of America.  

As for your second paragraph, relative to effective connections made by someone with a State or the United States, there exists no effective means by which to make the rebuttal you suggest since the act of forming the effective connection foregoes such a claim.  All claims in contravention to the basis by which the presumption of jurisdiction arises for the common nexus operative scope capacity are frivolous if raised by one whom facilitated the formation of the effective connection, as is the case for all U. S. Code and State statute enforcement actions.  Jurisdiction over all persons defined in U.S. Code or State Statute is a foregone and indefeasible conclusion as applicable to the 'in context person' which may be indicated by any one of very many names, such as: U.S. person, taxpayer, licensed plumber, resident, driver . 

As for your third paragraph, I feel it is a construction, one perhaps borne of frustration, bitterness, jading as well as beliefs not founded in truth.  I have been among those working for the elections commission and find them to be very serious bunch of folks as regards their careful and appropriate exercise of the civic duties imposed on them by operation of law as well as their mutual oversight of their co-workers.  Perhaps you have a different FIRST HAND experience, though you did not express it.   I am rather certain that the vote of a Communists or that of a "rabid" Liberal shall not be countered by your failure to vote out of protest which is not represented on the record.  You have no standing to complain of the undesirable political conditions which affect your life if you fail to effect the small voice you have available to you through the vote, the same small voice had by each whom votes.  But then, one declaring no citizenship, one whom is without recognized rights, one without capacity to have, hold and defend property on the record is not much more than a cow loose from the pasture and needing only to eat grass and drink from the stream of questionable sanitary conditions.  If that is the status you desire, perhaps you have achieved it.  It matters not to me since your voice is them just one less which could be recorded as in opposition to my directive, my vote. 


I can't argue with anything you have put forth. I assume that you are much, much smarter than I am as I find trying to extract meaningfulness from your writing about as difficult as scrutinizing the tax codes for rationale---and just a little bit condescending as well.

When I post an article it is not to demean anyone else or what they believe. I'm not trying to impress anyone. All I'm attempting to do is pass on what I see as our common dilemma and offer a bit of my past experiences on how to deal with it.

As to your statement that "  If your mother dropped you within the geographic boundaries of one of the states of the Union, and she was not here illegally, you are an American citizen=Citizen of the United States of America whether you like it or not." Well, my mother "dropped me" on the land referred to as Maine. I, the living man, have never been a citizen of the United States of America and, being somewhat rational would never claim that status. That citizenship you refer to never came into being until my mother delivered me. Blacks Law: Delivery. The conveyance of the res or thing to the control of another. 

And just how did she deliver me to the control of another? By signing that Bill of Lading that described the goods being delivered--that application for a birth certificate. That's when the State created the fiction considered [unless rebutted] to be a U.S citizen. Yep, born (created by the corporation) in the U.S., and don't forget--subject to the jurisdiction thereof. 

By the way, have you ever heard a judge say to a defendant, "If you mention the Constitution one more time in my courtroom I will hold you in contempt"? I have and I deduced from that event that he was speaking to another actor fulfilling the roll of fiduciary for the legal fiction....and we all know the Constitution offered no protection of rights for fictions of law---don't we? 

I'm 80 years old and started my education 28 years ago and that's how I see it, but then, I'm not on the same educational rung as others may be. So I'll just head back out to pasture and chew my cud, taking a sip now and then from the sewer.


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