"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root."
Henry David Thoreau
Dear Friends of Liberty,
If we are going to restore our nations we must rebuild it from the bottom up. We need to get organized at the county level.We need to create networks of liberty minded individuals in each of the counties that will work toward restoring the Constitution in each and every county all across the land.
I would like each of you to please go to the website for the state where you live and join your state group. Then visit your state webpage and join your county's website.
The purpose of the website to organize local patriots and to assist them in learning the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and in the treatise on government, "The Law" written by Frederic Bastiat. I would also suggest that everyone read the "5,000 Year Leap" by W. Cleon Skousen.
One of my goals is to find someone in each county that would assist me in establishing a local currency in each county that would enable the people in each county to be able to engage in commerce without having to use Federal Reserve Notes. For more information click on the link at the page labeled "Local Currency".
If you would be interested in being a local currency coordinator for your county please email me at keithbroaders@gmail.com
establishing as well business/service exchanges and community co-operatives removing government control of our community based services, be it raw milk, produce, exchange of services from electrical, plumbing, geek services, health care, etc....... knowing what we are and acting accordingly as a united community..... I am one of the good people of Virginia, domiciled upon the land of Rappahannock Virginia, not a county..... the county is the corporate fiction and the de facto we are separating ourselves from. We need know precisely who and what we are and what the land is that we have been given dominion over. As well what delegated authority has and has not been extended to ones in service.
Explain to me what the purpose would be to establish thousands of local currencies? Unless I am mistaken, the example shown is for two hours of[][] what? Two hours of a plumbers' time is more valuable than two hours of a clerk's time, perhaps, but how do we, or anyone, determine the worth of a free citizen's labor, skilled or not? If you would make it 1/4 oz of silver, then we have a frame of reference for my own York County, Pa. Perhaps the value of an ounce of silver will be in Remnimbi,(China's currency) but we would have a reference to a precious metal, that would at least get you started on the path to a currency that has real value, and the same or nearly the same value anywhere, not just on the west side of the Susquehanna River. If instead of explaining this you would point me toward an explanation on the web? That would be more than OK with me!
What is money? Money is the token that has been established to place on value of the things that a man or a women is able to produce. By combining one's time and talent, individuals create wealth. The more goods and services an individual, the more tokens they are able to accumulate. Anyone that wants more tokens only needs to produce more things that other people want. Since every man has 24 hours in a day, the local currencies are based upon hours rather than dollars. One hour is equivalent to ten dollars.
If you own a Pizza restaurant and it costs you $6 to a create a pizza that you sell for $20, would you rather pay for your next haircut with a $20 in federal reserve note or a large pepperoni pizza? Would you rather engage in a barter transaction that would allow you to acquire the goods and services you need without having to pay the vendor in Federal Reserve Notes.
In order to be free we need to stop feeding the beast. Whenever we use Federal Reserve Notes to give our consent to the Federal Reserve to enslave us monetarily. By using a local barter currency we can cut out the middle man and replace scarcity with abundance.
When a producer signs up to accept local currency they are paid the equivalent of 20 hours or $200 and anyone that signs up a business to accept the local currency earns a compensation equal to 10 hours or $100.
Establishing a local barter currency in your county will promote local commerce and a spirit of cooperation within your community. Rather than competing with each other for the limited supply of Federal Reserve Notes, local merchants will cooperate with each other with a potentially unlimited source of home grown local currency.
When a currency is backed by gold or silver you give the banks and the governments that they control the power to enslave us financially.The only reasonable thing that can be used to back currency is human potential. Backing currency with fruits of one's labor is the only way that the people can create their own wealth without the parasitic involvement of the international bankers.
If the amount of money in circulation is equal to the amount of goods and services available, inflation would be banished forever. When money is based upon a scarce commodity, people are forced to borrow money to acquire the things that they want.
© 2025 Created by Keith Broaders.
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