Since the beginning of time there has always been opposition. When the men met in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation there was one group of men who wanted to create a Commonwealth of Freemen and another group that wanted to create a democracy.
The proponents of liberty won and a Constitution was written to created a limited form of government based on the principles of natural law.
The founders understood that in democracies the God-given rights of the of individuals would be threatened by the will of the majority.
In their infancy, democracies are like seeds, that if nourished will grow like a cancerous tumor and ultimately threaten the survival of a free people. The founders of our nation tried to prevent our government from becoming a democracy by establishing a series of checks and balances.
The principles of upon which our nation was founded have been under attack for many generations. Our republic has for all intents and purposes become an oligarchy of rich and powerful Wall Street bankers and corporations.
The 535 men and women that serve in Congress are elected by the people. but take their marching orders from the Wall Street bankers and the 714 billionaires that keep getting richer as the people are being buried in debt.
The problem is that the vast majority of the American have been trained to trust the conventional wisdom of government experts and are not capable of thinking for themselves.
Our greatest enemy is not Russia, China or Moslem Terrorists, it is the ever increasing number of ignorant and uninformed voters.