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In order tor a crime to take place they must first create a victim. The individual accused of a crime must violate the life, liberty or property of another individual. One of the rights mandated in our Bill of Rights is that a person accused of a crime has the right to cross examine the witnesses against him. In other words, the defendant has a right to confront the injured party.

If there is no injured party, and hence, no one to cross examine, the individual accused of the crime cannot defend himself in a court of law.

A government is a legal fiction and has no rights and cannot be an injured party. Only human beings have rights. Individuals can testify against an accused person but a legal fiction cannot. When an unjust law is enforced, the accused individual becomes a victim.

Amendment VI

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense."

Ninety-eight percent of the people in prison were denied their right to a trial by a jury. In order to avoid the possibility of being convicted of a more serious crime the accused pleads guilty to a lesser crime. In many cases they have committed no crime at all. This practice is an enemy of justice and a great way to raise money for corrupt lawyer and judges.

In the land of the free, we have more of our people in prison than any other country in the world. The biggest crime today is that we incarcerate people for committing victimless crimes.

A crime has been committed only when the life, liberty or property of one human being is violated by another human being. In order for a crime to take place there must be both a victim and a person responsible.

We have a God given right enumerated in the Fifth Amendment that guarantees those suspected of a crime will have the opportunity to cross examine the witnesses against them. When there is no victim there is no one to testify against the accused.

Only individuals have rights and artificial persons such as corporations can not testify in a court of law. 

When people violate a rule, regulation, code, ordinance or statute they have not violated the law and have not committed a crime. 

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Interesting site to review Common Law vs Admiralty UCC Law we are under

You are correct on all counts, except----the Constitution for The united States of America was shelved after the Civil War and replaced by the Constitution "of" the United states. This 'of' thing means it is possessory. This new constitution that was brought in is only advisory in nature. Those in power use it ONLY when it suits their needs. It is, therefore, not the law of the land and we cannot rely on it for any degree of protection from intrusion by govco or fairness and due process from their administrators--the courts. 

As we have witnessed, the protections from government intervention in our lives is a hollow theme. Have you ever been in court when a subject claimed govco [court] was violating their constitutional rights? I've heard the judge tell a man that if he mentioned constitutional rights again in his court he would find him in contempt. Of course he would be in contempt because he is not in a court of constitutional cognizance.

He's in an administrative court that has been set up to fleece the unsuspecting of their wealth. The judge's duty as administrator is to administer the foreclosure in bankruptcy of govco's assets. Govco is bankrupt. They are squeezing the lifeblood out of the people through the straw man--the government's asset. They created it and they are the creditor over it as it is always the debtor.    

The reason most people are in prison under this system is ignorance. If the public was aware that these courts are utilizing maritime law under admiralty jurisdiction and that all courts in America are under private commercial law conducted under the consent of the parties there might be a different result.

Check that out. Go to the law library at the courthouse and look in any of their code and statute books and the first thing you will see is that it is copy written. You cannot copy right that which is in the public domain. Only privately owned material can be copy written. The bankers own the laws.

While you are checking that out, also check out the term "allocution". The judge will ask if you have anything to say 'before I sentence you?'. This is your opportunity [allocution] to lessen the harshness of the sentence with any mitigating circumstances that you want to present. It usually does no good.

If a judge asked me that question I would say "I reserve my statement until after you pass sentence". After he announces the sentence I would then say "I'm sorry, Sir, but I cannot accept your offer". If you don't say anything you have silently acquiesced and can have no complaints. I have seen this work where the judge lessened the judgment and the defendant said the same thing again and the judge lessen the judgment again.

I was asked what to say if the judge said that his judgment was not open to negotiation. The response should be "are you trying to force me to contract with your against my will?". That would be a federal crime of inducement to slavery and peonage. I don't think any judge will tread there.

Most go into court not knowing who they are or what to do about so they pay the fine or go to prison or jail. This is where knowing who you are comes into play. Are you the registered agent for the straw man [LLC] on the charging instrument? I've got a certified copy from the Secretary of State of North Carolina that says there is no record of the all caps name as being registered with the State. How can there be a registered agent to serve upon if there is no registration of the LLC? Serving an instrument on a living man and presuming that he is the registered agent for the fiction is done by assumption. If you don't recognize the trickery then you pay the consequences.  

Dan that was very good a summary. We can know the facts of who I am as a real breathing man created by God and responsible to his laws in which you must be sure which of the Gods you are guided by. Then you must know who is bring charges against you and what their jurisdiction is which is a fraudulent argument in the first place. The Corporate administrative company is not even a government and that is the beginning of their scam.

We the People ordained and established a free and independent state (small s) and established a constitutional contract for public servants to work in our Government. We the People allowed the Bankers and BAR Lawyers to come in and steal our property and replace our government with a public service corporation and revised our laws and allowed them to commit acts of treason, insurrection and other violent acts against our natural inherent and unalienable rights.

The jurisdiction they established in Maine is plainly written in the first sentence and paragraph of their revised statute which states:

"The jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State extend to all places within its boundaries, subject only to such rights of concurrent jurisdiction as are granted by the State over places ceded by the State to the United States. This section shall not limit or restrict the jurisdiction of the State over any person or with respect to any subject, within or without its boundaries, which jurisdiction is exercisable by reason of citizenship, residence or for any other reason recognized by law."

Words and phrases definitions of the statute is defined as:

 State.  "State," used with reference to any organized portion of the United States, may mean a territory or the District of Columbia.
United States.  "United States" includes territories and the District of Columbia.
Person.  "Person" may include a body corporate.

It further defines us as subjects which comes from the 14th Amendment.

That is their legal rules as written and when you show up in their corporate court, that is the only thing they know.

BUT Maine was accepted into the Congress of the United States of America on March 03 1820, as a free and independent state (small "s") on equal footing of the other states of the union.

The positive way to correct this mess is to operate by the laws of the days of our founders to get this record corrected. Our founders used the Magna Carta to impose upon the using the Declaration of Independence utilizing the Article 61.

So today we must assemble a body of 24 men to bring charge beginning in our counties to arrest the corporate crimes done by the false and fraudulent operations set up to violate the people with the treason and insurrection. 

Today the President or Chairman of the Board of the UNITED STATES Corporation gave the government authority back to the People. Now the People must arise to action in putting our Constitutional Government back into the Law of the Land.

I was born on the land known as Maine, however, I refuse to be relegated to "any person or with respect to any subject, within or without its boundaries, which jurisdiction is exercisable by reason of citizenship, residence or for any other reason recognized by law". I am not a resident [resident alien], person, subject, or citizen of Maine or any other State.

Under "State"  used with reference to any organized portion of the United States, may mean a territory or the District of Columbia. Territory or the District of Columbia tells us precisely what the State of Maine is since all the states were turned into Federal sub-corporations {States} after the Civil War under the Reconstruction Acts.

I am involved in 2 court cases [civil] where I have invoked a 'judicial' court giving judicial notice of the foreign governing law-The Constitution for The united States of America and the Florida Constitution. In the Florida case the court totally ignored my pleadings, held 3 ex-parte hearings and granted 3 judgments in favor of the Plaintiff. How do you like them apples for due process of law?

As soon as I get down to Florida I will check the evidence file for 2 items: did the bank surrender the original blue ink signed note in exchange for the judgment as required by their commercial law statutes; and do any of the so-called judgments bear a court seal making them in compliance with judicial procedure.

In my North Carolina case I used the same procedure and the judges [2, so far] have refused to act in their judicial capacity and threatened me with contempt for inquiring as to whether they were acting judicially or administratively after I served them certified copies of their oath of office in court and informed them that I accepted their oaths and held them to it. They both continually attempted to press gang me into their private commercial administrative jurisdiction and venue.

I don't know how this will turn out but it should prove interesting.

Most excellent Dan,
I would like to engage in the process myself. I applaud you and your time. You are the only one doing the right thing in your town. Soon this will be different, I promise you that.
I just checked in here, got my nightcap on, thought I would take one more look. Saw that you were headed for the dirt, rocks, trees and not be in the air, I'm just had to ask, Where Are You Headed ?

    Reply to Billy Gray,

That does sound kind way out, let me explain. A few years ago a small group of people discovered that the original country defined by the Articles of Confederation and styled as The United States of America had simply been abandoned, rather than superseded. They have brought the whole thing, including the General Post Office which defines its metes and bounds, back up to date. It is now recognized as the original country on this continent internationally and it is slowly being repopulated. There are many services available already such as allodial land titles, actual titles rather than certificates of title for your vehicles, passports, driver's licenses, etc. with new services coming on line as the population builds up. If you want to find out more about The United States of America, their proclamations, blanks to obtain citizenship etc are published in an online newspaper called "the reign of the heavens society post". It takes a little searching through various links and if you're persistent you can get a picture of what's going on. I've had some conversations with the Secretary of State etc and I'm impressed with their progress..

Yes Gary,
We the people allowed the banksters and lawyers to take over, but not us. It was our grandparents and so on that did that. We are the victims in this game. We ARE the posterity they spoke of long ago. We were sold down the river by generations long past.

It is up to US to end our ancestor's mistake of ignorance and apathy. The problem is that the ignorance and apathy still exist.

Hello Keith, I enjoyed your article of Feb.12. You are right on under Constitutional law. But remember, since they took our gold and silver away, and the Common Law is based upon payment in gold or silver, we are only under Commercial law. Under commercial law the plaintiff can "assume" whatever he wants and it sticks until and unless refuted timely. All of our courts and the many agencies created by Congress now operate on the commercial law. The people do not know how to defend themselves under the commercial law, in court or ordinary confrontation.

This is one of the main tools all of these agencies use, including the IRS. None of these agencies not provided for in the Constitution can stand the light of day. Not even the state sales tax. They are all only valid under corporate law and territorial law. Our children are carefully taught that they are territorial citizens where Congress does have unlimited jurisdiction. Then the counties convert the Common Law birth certificate the mother signs into a  commercial law document under territorial law. I believe this is mass genocide carried on against the people. Marvin Lee Robey

I do not buy this at all.

We never gave anyone permission to put laws in side by side and ignore our laws.

Jeff, no one's trying to sell you anything. We're just explaining how this country and its system of laws has been usurped by foreign enemies. ITS NOT OUR GOVERNMENT!!!


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