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When a person joins a organization created by man, they become the subjects of the leadership and the doctrines of that organization. We were created as sons and daughters of God and are individually accountable to him. When a individual joins any man made group they often do so to escape their responsibility to think and act for themselves.

Groups maintain their strength and power controlling what their members are thinking. The leaders of groups consider themselves to be more capable and enlightened than the members of the flock, They tend to make decisions for their followers rather than allowing their followers to think for themselves. 

As far as I am concerned the only group that is sanctioned by our Creator in the human race. Those that love God are commanded to love one another. When there are many groups competing with one another it divides the people and it breeds hate and hostility. Groups can easily become corrupt eventually they become bands of vikings that seek to gain benefits at the expense of those that belong to other groups.

As groups grow larger and more powerful they are able to use their collective strength to violate the property rights of those less powerful. Nations tend to exploit weaker nations in order to control their natural resources.

Virtually all the wars in the history of man have been fought over man's desire to dominate others. In order to live free, we must respect the lives, liberty and property of others. The people around the world don't hate the American people, they hate our government that they consider to be the personification of evil. To repair the damage that has been done, we the people need to regain control over the rogue government that has taken over in America.

Please let me know what you think of what I have written.


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Good read...I agree!

I try to like this, and it won't allow it. but what matter's most to me after the read is, I'm able to share it with other Americans! Semper Fi 


I don't have any problem joining groups that are like-minded, as long as they are not formed to trample on the rights of others.  Some groups can be very helpful in leading people to think for themselves, thereby promoting liberty.  As a God-fearing Christian, I am very selective in what groups I become associated with and truly believe that the groups I am aligned with are productive and benefit society at large. 

When you talk about our runaway federal government the solution is we need to go back to the owners manual the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  Most of our problems would disappear if we had a constitutionally limited fed. 

I completely agree with you Calvin, groups that respect the life, liberty and property of others are acceptable, but any group that makes an effort of deprive other individuals or groups of the God given rights should be avoided.

Calvin H. Wortman said:

I don't have any problem joining groups that are like-minded, as long as they are not formed to trample on the rights of others.  Some groups can be very helpful in leading people to think for themselves, thereby promoting liberty.  As a God-fearing Christian, I am very selective in what groups I become associated with and truly believe that the groups I am aligned with are productive and benefit society at large. 

When you talk about our runaway federal government the solution is we need to go back to the owners manual the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  Most of our problems would disappear if we had a constitutionally limited fed. 

You may want to clarify what is meant by "groups" being divisive, because while I identify with the sentiment of loving our fellow man, and how groups "can" divide, and indeed how "nationalism" (not to be confused with patriotism) can bring about wars between nations, I believe a similar argument is also used by those promoting the NWO behind the scenes. So my antennas go up when I hear suggestions that a world of nations with different cultures & governments may not be a good thing.

Every single individual thinks & feels differently, and the way I see it, just about anybody can get a passport, a plane ticket, and hop on over to practically any nation they might like or enjoy more than another. Those that seek a single standard of laws, rules, and regulations, fit right in with those that envision a "one world government". Once you reach that point, you then have to decide WHICH nations law, rules, and regulations should govern the others...and those that suggest there are at least some "basic humanitarian laws" that should govern all, may be dismissing the diversity of the world we live in.

If you grew up around headhunters, YOU would be a headhunter....and if I said to you "Don't it bother you that you have 5 shrunken heads?", you might say, "Well, yes, my brother has 20!" While I found that analogy funny, it really does point out the level of indoctrination that is done by each & every culture. We may not agree, or identify with said culture, but how comfortable are we with suggesting that our ways should govern others (I don't imagine we're suggesting the world follows "the other guy's" culture, right?).

Not to only be critical because there is merit to the notion of basic laws of man, handed down by God, that would make the world a better place for everyone, if only they agreed. I just wonder how realistic that is without warring against those that would oppose this new "universal truth"....Just food for thought.


A group of people that band together is a group. A group that bands to together to defend themselves is legitimate, but a group that seeks to deny others groups and individuals of their life, liberty and property are illegitimate. 

Gravity is one of the laws of nature and nature's God and it applies in all countries.  No government can suspend the gravity nor the laws of nature and nature's God. All men and women are children of God and are entitled to the same rights. When we violate the rights of others we are in rebellion against God.

Under no circumstances can one man or one group initiate force to rob another man or group without coming under the condemnation of God. There should be but one group and that group is the one that consists of the children of God.

Now that sounds more like it, but I suppose that's why God did everything the way that he did. Compulsion breeds contempt (that's prolly how he lost 1/3 of the angels when something else came along), so if you're going to create an arguably intelligent people with free will, you would necessarily need to be absent, and create the universe in such a way that people couldn't prove either way the existence of a creator, and let them decide their paths for themselves. It's not pretty, and he knows it ends badly, but I don't know how mankind is going to do it any better. 

Personally I'm sympathetic to what you're saying, and if only everyone recognized the wisdom of the 10 commandments, or at LEAST the ones that shouldn't require religious beliefs to endorse (Thou shalt not kill, covet, commit adultery, steal, etc...), essentially the golden rule, the world would be a much better place to live in.


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