Ok Keith,
I read the whole thing, don't need to watch the video. I've seen all this before and several questions remain unanswered, such as; How does this affect state taxes being taken out as well as county, medicare, medicaid, city, local? And how does this affect your status as a statutory "Person" in relation to all other legal matters, esp. the "Driver's License"?
And this does nothing to address the issue that your "Employer" is not actually a statutory "withholding agent" as described in the IRC's. This is a common mistake by company owners to assume they are. Secondly it does not appear to allow your former "Employee" status to change to a lawful designation. I could go on, but that's because I have read the book. You can too if you like. It is MUCH more thorough than the little presentation you found. It's called The Great IRS Hoax by Chris Hansen.
Thanks for what you do. I have learned to become a very fast reader because of this job. And that book. It's 2400 pages and I read all of them, twice; and took notes.
your too funny Morton....
Morton the only thing I can comment at this time is your question about the DRIVERS Licence. Answer in Blacks Law Dictionary 1st and 2nd edition. definition of Driver " one EMPLOYED in the conducting of ------------------" Do you get paid when you operate your vehicle to go to the store? If no then are you employed during that time? Now are you a DRIVER according to the legal definition of Driver?
Hope this helps to answer at least one of your questions.
Not really Alan, but thanks for the input.
I wasn't really asking if I am a "driver" by definition. I was wondering how the Title 26 Codes can affect the definition of "Person" in other Titles or Codes, like Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Title 75 Codes for instance. That's all.
In addition I was wondering how this "Rescission of Election" helps with the other unaffected taxes and the use of an SSN.
in my case how does it impact my Military and Federal retirements? I need to research that.
How can anyone pay income taxes with currency backed up by nothing? Any answers?....
...........................................Please? I'm waiting.....
Federal income tax is VOLUNTARY. Evidence:
Pub. L. 105–206, title III, § 3802, July 22, 1998, 112 Stat. 782, provided that: “The Joint Committee on Taxation and the Secretary of the Treasury shall each conduct a separate study of the scope and use of provisions regarding taxpayer confidentiality, and shall report the findings of such study, together with such recommendations as the Committee or the Secretary deems appropriate, to the Congress not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act [July 22, 1998]. Such study shall examine—
“(1) the present protections for taxpayer privacy;
“(2) any need for third parties to use tax return information;
“(3) whether greater levels of voluntary compliance may be achieved by allowing the public to know who is legally required to file tax returns, but does not file tax returns;
26 CFR “§ 601.602 Tax forms and instructions. (a) Tax return forms and instructions. The Internal Revenue Service develops forms and instructions that explain the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations. The Service distributes the forms and instructions to help taxpayers comply with the law. The tax system is based on voluntary compliance, and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed.”
Study by General Accounting Office of Operation and Effectiveness of Amendments by Section 2653 of Pub. L. 98–369
Pub. L. 100–203, title IX, § 9402(c), Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1330–376, required the Comptroller General of the United States, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, to conduct a study of the operation and effectiveness of amendments by section 2653 of Pub. L. 98–369 on voluntary compliance with the income tax laws and, by Apr. 1, 1989, submit a report and recommendations to Congress.
From “Why Do I Have To Pay Taxes?” http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p2105.pdf :
Internal Revenue Code Myths: The filing and paying of tax is voluntary, or the Code doesn’t apply to me because I am neither a government employee nor a resident of a sovereign state.
Truth: The term voluntary compliance means that each of us is responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining and paying the correct amount of tax.
Sure Joe,
That's true. But therein lie the rub now doesn't it, Joe? What YOU just said;
Nothing could be further from the truth, but somehow I think you know that. Is that why you told us this? So you could see who's awake?
Well, as one who is awake, I can tell you, speaking and writing in English as I do, that all that says is that there is a concept called voluntary compliance. That's where we have to stop for a minute and let the Dictionary tell us what the heck THAT means, voluntary compliance.
The two words are mutually exclusive and completely contradictory and it's obvious that the two ideas cannot go together to describe one action. In law, the terms Volunteer, (to perform willingly), as in "I will gladly do that." and Comply, (To be FORCED, especially by Threat, Duress, or Coercion to perform), as in "You will comply",are obviously POLAR opposites.
Having said that; I don't need it to know that as soon as you say "when required", one must go find out who IS required and exactly how when why, etc. Assuming you get through THAT maze, the rest of your statement remains true. So, if you ARE required and you're willing to do what you think is the right thing, and you decide file, you DO have to have the numbers right and sign it AND include all the pretty little SSN's and pay whatever you determine "To the best of your knowledge", is the right amount.
Of course that doesn't solve the problem with the fact that the 1040's not even the right form as evidenced by the completely wrong OMB number at the top of the page.
The biggest problem is, you gotta get past the first item in consideration, then the Matrix called "The Code".
But if you really believe otherwise Joe, then go to the aforementioned Great IRS Hoax. Cover the entire 1500 pages and browse the forms at the end to see what they say at least.
I don't recommend you try what I did; study it inside out, take volumes of notes, look up the actual sources of the written info, then do it again just to be sure you didn't miss something, then write and produce your own forms and legal filings, just to go back to the drawing board because you lose them all (electronic data), and do it one more time. I've turned it into my Thesis.
Nope I don't recommend you try that. It takes WAY too much time. Just read the book Joe. You will know THE TRUTH when your done.
People tend to scan rather than read nowadays. You said that I said; I did NOT say any of the above except the first line in bold. EVERYTHING else was copied then pasted from the actual law reference above. Complain to Congress, not me.
I agree that voluntary and compliance are contradictory, but this phrase "voluntary compliance" is not mine.
No one should pay income tax. I don't because there is no income tax law requiring it. I bet you $100,000.
Having read the Great IRS Hoax Joe,
I would not come anywhere near that bet. I agree with you. I just wasn't sure which side of the issue YOU were on. I'm always tending toward the truth. It' makes a lot more sense and it's easier to remember. And everything you said was true. It just doesn't make you or anyone else liable to pay any tax without Volunteering to do so.
Sure Linda, I can comment
That's not quite it. The term came about from the idea that when it was first introduced to the people for consideration, the Tax WAS voluntary. It was advertised as a way for good patriotic Americans to Voluntarily contribute to the war effort by giving part of their work generated compensation toward the war. This would help us win the war and it was based on the fact that some people WERE liable anyway for payment of this tax.
So they figured, why not try to get everyone to volunteer to do it even if they weren't liable for the tax? Well the advertising campaign worked so well, that after awhile the government started to become dependent on that money supply.
So, as it was based on the concept of VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE with existing laws, they kinda coined the term right there. Voluntary Compliance means that there is a law to comply to and if you want you can also simply volunteer to comply with the law and so they then invented "withholding it automatically to remove people far away from the action of having to "Volunteer" any more. It sort of became like on auto pilot, so the people who were volunteering just thought of it as an automatic withholding to help with the war effort and after awhile it just sort of got forgotten about as being voluntary any more, but the term was never changed to Mandatory because it isn't and never was mandatory for MOST Americans. Get it?
When "they" say the system is based on "Voluntary Compliance", that's exactly what it means. It means you can VOLUNTEER to comply. Or NOT!
The problem is that once you volunteer once, the rules are written to keep you there until you VOLUNTEER out. Hence the stipulation @ 26 USC 6013 (g)(4)(a) to do just that. Elect Out!
OK? That should help you understand how you got there and what to do about it.
Being a certain type of citizen excludes you from taxes, and its US Code !!!!! i will look it up for the group tommorow
can the IRS call the federal law a liar?? i dont think so !!!!
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