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Taxes are need to pay the interest on debt. If we could eliminate debt we could eliminate taxes. Strange as it may seem the government does need to tax the people to fund their cost of doing business. Congress can simply fund the government by transferring funds from hidden bank accounts.

When you or I have a bill to pay, we don't borrow the money to pay it, we simply transfer money from our accumulated assets. The government has nearly $150 trillion dollars in assets and does not need to borrow money to balance the budget. Last year's budget was $4.58 trillion dollars only $3.5 trillion was collected in taxes. We had a budget deficit of over $1 trillion dollars. 

The $4.58 was borrowed to fund the government was added to the $23 trillion dollar National Debt. When you or I have a debt to pay we don't borrow the money, we transfer funds. The government doesn't need to raise taxes,  Congress simply needs to stop borrowing money.

How to Fund Social Security without Taxing the People

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Read"Income Tax - Shattering the Myth", and you will find out that most people are not required to pay the Income Tax, this is very well written and explains why the majority of Americans do NOT have to pay the Income Tax.

Its so simply written a 5 year old can understand it.


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