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This website was created to bring together all of the liberty minded radio hosts all across the nations.To goal is to unite our listeners into a coalition whose collective voice will be heard loud a clear.

A secondary purpose of the website is to assist one another growing our individual audiences while promoting one another and the message of individual liberty and personal responsibility.All of the freedom oriented radio shows will be posted on the Constitution Club Website

The coalition of liberty minded radio hosts will promote the growth of county websites in each of the over 3,000 counties in America. Our goal will be to have a local radio show broadcasting weekly in every county across the land. This project is the brain child of Carl Swennson.

Individually, we are weak, but collectively we can become an irresistible force which can literally move mountains. The voice of individual radio shows are but a whisper, but our collective voice will be a shout heard from sea to shining sea.
Please share this message with every talk show host you know so that we can create a coalition of hundreds of liberty minded patriots who love America and are dedicated to promoted the restoration of principles upon which our nation was founded.

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This I hope does indeed happen as we are a country divided and as long as we are not totally united in this fight for freedom we will surely lose them little by little that is the methodology of the left and for 100 years they have done so and are well experienced in chipping away without our even noticing. Now as a secondary effort I would like to make another suggestion. There are state, national, shooting clubs, sportsman's federations, organizations of all types. Presently we are all disjointed and fighting a small battle here and there while losing major ones elsewhere we too need to unite. NRA, GOA, NAGR, Congressional, Tea Party, Constitution club, Heritage foundation and on and on. We too need to unite in one common and very loud voice to take back America before it is destroyed and split up into smaller more controllable third world countries each with it's own petty puissant Dictator's like the way our Whitehouse occupier thinks he is. Can we all put aside our differences and unite in the name of Freedom? I hope and pray so as a shooting war which is the last resort may well be what occurs but not before we have exhausted all other means.

The Heritage Foundation is a NeoCon front, and are the enemy.

I am trying to do the same with broadcasting, which is what I am just now starting to get into here in the greatly corrupted Michigan. I am aware of others doing so with news-oriented blog sites. I think we are starting the beginnings of a new kind of "network."  I am in talks right now with Gary Franchi in hopes of developing some cross-marketing with his NNN. In any event, I believe that broadcasting has some room for tying in with the "Liberty Radio Network" since websites can carry both streaming radio and streaming television broadcasting. Let's keep the talks open...

Note that direct contact to me is best through my email or phone. Keith Broaders has all that information on me. 

Hi Gary, give us a shout out too please: Keith also has my contact info. :)

SHARING for sure; over 10+ sites bookmarked in my favorites folder !

The voice of individual radio shows are but a whisper, but our collective voice will be a shout heard from sea to shining sea.

Please share this message with every talk show host you know so that we can create a coalition of hundreds of liberty minded patriots who love America and are dedicated to promoted the restoration of principles upon which our nation was founded.

Individually, we are weak, but collectively we can become an irresistible force which can literally move mountains.

Thank you so much! Carol and I are doing well with our show and have had good numbers. We mention you and your show and appreciate your referrals. here is our link and we look forward to networking. We have KrisAnne Hall coming on in the near future and Josie the Outlaw, Dave Harbin and more. Our show about remedies has been downloaded regularly since airing and it is wonderful to share with all of you.THANK YOU!!

Thanks Rene. I listened to David Roach and others on the one show. AWESOME. I love it when the shows really stay focused and on track. You did a GREAT job with that and thanks for keeping down the clutter noise. 

This is one of those shows you want to play again and share with everyone it is so ACTION packed with great information we can at least attempt to try for the three R's.

Again I am looking forward to more really driving home (no chatter bla bla bla) shows like this from you. I will be waiting and have shared this one with many of my contacts. 

Ohio State Coordinator from NLA.....

Thank you Rosanna we started the show specifically to keep the conversation focused and to get the message across. We appreciate your support and look forward to more wonderful listeners like you tuning in! We are amazed at our number of listeners already so we must be doing something right! THANK YOU!!!! Lets work on being problem solvers and not problem makers!! This weeks show is going to be pretty interesting, we have David Harbin about a problem solver!! WOW! 

Have a great day Rosanna and keep listening...send me a message with your phone number so I can watch for it in the que! Would love to have you chime in..that is what the show is about, all of us having a voice! Thank you to Keith too for this forum as this is how we all come together!!

I am curious, if you have also sent this out to individual Internet Radio Stations ?

I hope we can keep EGOS in check. I hope people don't come on here just to get high ratings or make money off their ideas for profit. I think the groups individually are ALL needed to make this work. We DESPERATELY need the following groups operational and communicating with each other and this is a basic good starting list: 

We need broadcasters and media groups who can HONESTLY report this.

We need the Common Law Grand Juries to investigate the cases of corruption and indict or present for criminal charges to be filed.   There are now 8 States constituted in the country. This is where I am working.

We need the project States settled and in LAWFUL standing to carry out the duties of service to the people. 

We need a Review Board (?) that can aid the people with the proper filing of criminal charges to the Bond and Insurance companies for the laws they violate. I am seriously in favor of this. I'll bet you it will cut down on the Grand Juries work once these thieves realize the bond companies are not going to cover their corrupt activity so they can't work.

MOST OF ALL (and not last) ----- We need the Militia, Sheriff and Service groups to ENFORCE the criminals in office to  comply.  CSPOA   Print out the Resolution

Keith now that I think about it, it is good these groups have their own sites because God forbid if we were all on one and the cabal would pull our plug we would ALL crash so I am in favor of individual sites for these groups but we do need them working in conjunction with one another and keeping EVERYBODY informed. None of this violating public records with no transparency to cover up overt operations for crime.

This list is as simple as it gets and can be embellished but I hope it stays basic. Thomas Paine said "Keep it simple, simple is easy to fix"

I doubt if people have the time to work in all of them and be efficient so pick one. 

PLEASE everybody keep our panties from wading up.....

I think Paine's quote should be our slogan if not one of them.

I would like to suggest Wilson quote be switched for Coolidges that I have attached. I hope it opens for you.  I really believe you will like this.



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