In order to rehabilitate our government we need to blow the whistle when we see crimes being committed by government officials. When agents of the government violate their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution we need to hold them accountable.
When we remain silent as these transgressions are taking place we become accomplices to their crimes. The agents of the government use fear and intimidation to keep us silent. We must overcome our fear and speak up when governmental crimes are being committed.
The Constitution is a rulebook for the government to follow. In order to live in a just society, the rules must be obeyed. If they are not, we live in a lawless society where no one's life, liberty or property are secure.
When a law is just it is our responsibility to obey it, but when a law is unjust we have a duty to refuse to comply with it.
A society without a conscience is a society where the rights of the many can be exploited for the benefit of the few. Only in a society where the just laws are enforced can the people enjoy their lives, liberty and property.
They should not be fired, they should be incarcerated!
Like the Rights of the many that were exploited by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and all the other traitors that went along with them for 8 years? If their treason is allowed to go unpunished then our justice system is done, and it proves that no matter who has power in Washington DC they are all in it together! There are so many that were in the gov't over the last 8 years that committed treason, high crimes, and a host of other felonies and lesser crimes against the US citizens all to benefit themselves and their bank accounts! Should these crimes be forgotten? HELL NO! Someone needs to stand accountable for these crimes, and if they don't our Constitution means nothing!!
You are preaching to the choir brother. Those of us who took a stand in Stevens County Washington by calling out the corruption through redress were arrested and made political prisoners. The high courts are upholding it of course. What do you suggest now?
We still have political prisoners in jail in this country!! If the fed gov't don't fix the problem "Which I doubt" then it's up to We The People", which may not do anything!! Where does that leave us? Perhaps in a 2nd Civil War that may be hard to win. I don't know Dennis, no matter which way I look at this I don't see a way out! The socialist/globalist left and their snowflake supporters are doing everything they can to bring this nation down, and not many seem to care! I wonder what the snowflakes will do when the lights go out!!!!
It appears we need to focus on freedom enclaves. I don't know what form that would take when we are so divided. What is clear is that our current systems are so broken and tainted they cannot be fixed. We are going to have to figure out something new. Tyrants never go quietly. It's amazing how much violence and bloodshed Americans are exposed to through the T.V. yet wont get off their butts to take a stand. I'm not advocating violence but I don't believe evil people will hear anything else.
Dennis Patterson (berrybestfarm at yahoo dot com)
Dennis, I hear you brother... There is going to be violence, and lots of it, I see no other way. The socialist/globalist, islamist, and a host of other left groups will not compromise in any way. They have the mentality of: If they can't have, then no one can! They would rather see the US be destroyed rather than give up their insane plight of globalism..
Evil people will not hear anything but violence.. And, no matter how evil, and destructive they are as soon as this things blows apart "We The People" (Patriots) will carry the blame!
I understand that.. I've been preparing for several years, I'm not as ready as I would like to be, but I'm more ready than a lot of others!
I just got this in this morning from Sheriff Mack, with CSPOA....they are working on this "The Freedom Coalition" and it sounds like they will be meeting with Trump to get this done....release all our political prisoners....I donated already....check it out...
Here is the link to the website as well:
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