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Government Can't Regulate the People, Just the Corporations

The government has no lawful authority to regulate individuals. They do, however, have the authority to regulate corporations. When we incorporate, our rights become privileges granted to us by the state.

We as individuals are accountable to our Creator, the government is accountable to us and Corporations are accountable to the government which created them.

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Regulate today is another way of saying "law". This is NOT what the authors of our USA Constitution meant. Regular and regulate come from the word regula. In other words regulate meant "consistant", "regular". A water regulator puts out the same PSI regardless of input. This is what regulations are supposed to do. And what the feds can regulate is limited to those listed such as commerce with foreign nations and between the states (NOT withIN the states only) and with Indians; the value of money; and "the land and navel Forces" (from article l, section 8).  

Citizens of the UNITED STATES are subject to the jurisdiction of the government of the UNITED STATES while Citizens of the States are sovereign and only subject to the jurisdiction of their Creator.

THE PEOPLE WITH THE GUNS CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, THEY DID IT IN THE PAST AND THEY'RE STILL DOIN IT TODAY, untill the people decide to DIS-ARM the govt,  it will continue on till doomsday

I hear kansas just passed a law that no carry permit is needed, I'd like to be walkin around wit a colt 45 on my hip


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