Gerrymandering is a tool used by the political parties to enhance the chances that their candidates will be elected. Creating districts that favor their party enables then to disenfranchise voters.
Elected officials should be chosen to represent the people in cities and/or counties. Allowing the legislatures to create districts based on artificially drawn line gives the political parties the opportunity to stack the deck in the favor of their candidate.
In order to end corruption in government, we need to end Gerrymandering.
The best way do away with Gerrymandering is to prohibit the creation of artificially drawn districts
Every town or city with a population or over 30,000 inhabitants should be entitled to one Congressional Representative
Communities with populations of less than 30,000 inhabitants would be combined with other nearby communities.
In order to control the people, every ten years the political parties create new legislative districts to. This process is known as Gerrymandering
The districts benefit one political party and the expense of the other and disenfranchise the voters. Every county should have one senator and one Representative in the State Assembly for every 30,000 inhabitants.
The members of he Assembly Districts would be elected directly by the people, but the senators would be selected by the members of the County Board of Supervisors.