Follow the Money
If you want to know who is running or should I say ruining The United States all you need to do is to discover who the Congressmen and the President really represent.The House of Representatives comsists of 435 politicians do not represent the people, they serve the financial interests of multi millionaires and billionaires that fund the political parties and their candidates.The Semate does not represent the states or the people it is simply a second verion of the House of Representatives.
Some people claim that the number of members in the House needs to increased, but adding more termites ti a house already infested with termites will not solve the problem.
Did you know that just one man in theUnited States has a networth of over $300 billion dollars which is equal to the combined wealth of 300,000 millionaires. There are 756 billionaires that own America that benefit financially whenever Congress is in session.
Any Comgressman or woman that has the courage to vote their conscience rather than the party line will never be re-elected.