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A government is a legal fiction created by powerful bankers to control the earth's natural resources and dominate the people. The men in positions of political power pretend to serve the people while they take their marching orders from the Wall Street bankers and corporations

The bankers own the politicians, but we the people are the ones who are getting screwed.

 All governments are bad, but some are worse than others, When individuals acquire positions of political power they are able to satisfy their greed and lust for power.

In order to succeed in the diabolical agenda politicians must convince the people that they are servants of the people rather than an a band of thieves.  

Supposedly, the Constitution was written to protect the God-given rights of the people, but in reality it has created the opportunity for the bankers to exploit the people.

The goal of the Constitution was to limit the potential abuse of power by the government officials, but sadly it has become a tool in the hands of ambitious men to line their pockets with filthy lucre.

In order to implement their diabolical agenda, politicians have deceived thee people due to the ignorance and apathy of the people.

There are only two kinds of people on the earth today,
some are predators and others are the prey.

Ignorant people are easily deceived and more easily controlled.


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