We are electing a President, not anointing a King.
A President's job is to carry out the will of the people through their elected Representatives in the House. It is not the President's job to do things to me or for me. I simply want the President to defend the Constitution and protect my God given rights and if Congress would do their job, the President would not have the ability to abuse this office.
The Constitution that was written to secure the blessings of liberty has been rewritten by the BAR Association. Rather than protecting the rights of the people, the Constitution has become a document which authorizes the enslavement of the people under the color of law.
Rather than amending the Constitution through the amendment process, lawyers have worked tirelessly for decades to redefine it by changing the meanings of words. Lawyers are now the agents of the bankers who buy our Representatives with promises of vast wealth and riches. Then the politicians write the laws which steal our lives, liberty and property for the bankers, while they pretend to serve us.
Do you think that if every member of the House of Representatives was voted out of office, that the new Representatives would get the message? We don't need term limits, we simply need to vote against every incumbent.
If every representative was limited to a single two year term we would have term limits without needing Congressional approval.
As per my friend Rocky , a union carpenter by trade :" Anyone who votes for an incumbent is an idiot " . He hit the nail right on the head . Makes a lot of sense .
The law is perverted! The law is unmanageable under its present circumstances and, in its wake, all the collective forces of this nation; the law is not only diverted from its proper direction, but made to pursue one entirely contrary to its intended purpose!
The law became the tool of every kind of avarice, instead of being its check! The law is guilty of that very iniquity which was its mission to punish!
Truly, this is a serious fact and it exists and it is one to which I feel bound to call the attention of my fellow citizens.
Law is the strangest phenomena of our time and one which will probably be a matter of astonishment to our descendants, as a doctrine which is founded upon this triple hypothesis;
This misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable; punishes virtue and rewards vice; encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful; applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult.
This nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of history. It is also notable that this is the sacred symbol of the parties who have proclaimed themselves exclusively Democrats.
When making any desision [decision] whither [whether] ANYONE must act like the master.
I recently had a conversation with a [an] officer the other day.
I informed him that if I want to ride one of my horses, I simply request that MY STABLE BOY go up to the barn and fetch my steed. If the stable boys refuses to do as I nicely have asked, I fire him or her.
[ I don't ask for the stable boys permission.]
Swift -v- City of Topeka
[I have a [an] absolute right to drive]
Yet in California's Governor Jerry Brown says illegals now have a right to drive while everyone else in California has a [mere] privilege. BS, WTF?
It is endless, pretty much every where I go, how amazing it is that so few people have the ability to see and discuss the problem behind the curtain (same as Oz). How is it that the fiction and illusion that 90+% of the people believe to be reality, and those people just don't comprehend that America is not what it seems, what ever that is. The fiction and illusion is such a deceptive lie about everything we live and experience today.
Correct me if I am wrong here, maybe I am the delusional one:
We the people ordained and established a constitution for a government for our free and independent state to be included in the union of states in America.
The state is free and independent to the authorization of the people with the only authority to defend and benefit the enumerated rights in the constitution.
The Congress of the united states of America by an agreement among the states to operate a union according to a constitution that guarantees a republic form of government that has a very limited authority of some duties, accepts all new free and independent states on equal footing to the union of states as this nation grows.
The Declaration of Independence, which is an extension from the Christian authority of the Magna Carta, is drafted by our nation's founders to stop the tyrannical abuses of the King who is greatly influenced by the money power of the European Bankers with their fraud and fictional money with the deception of the divine right to rule.
We the People in America fought the revolution and won our independence to create our own union of states with the authority to defend and benefit the free and independent rights of people against tyrannical government rule.
The money Elitists of Europe never stopped with their war on America and financed BAR Lawyers to take over the seats of government to hijack the constitutional defined government in America.
Americans of the day knew this and created the 1st 13th Amendment to lock these BAR Esquires from taking the seats of our government. But they got a BAR Esquire Abraham Lincoln elected into the presidency and destroyed the Federal Government and Congress to a Civil War and restructured their central government into a private Corporation that looked like our Constitutional government but it was not.
They Assassinated four Presidents who disagreed with the bankers and lawyers and attempted two others along with numerous other congressmen: Assassinated presidents Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and Attempted assassinated presidents Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan
With the power and control of these banking elites they got their Central bank on Christmas break in 1913 by a grand hoax upon America and stole the Gold of America and replaced it with debt notes that they controlled everything by money expansion, recessions and depressions until they got a President to change America from the Republic to a communist Democracy of agencies, administrative legal system and franchised corporate States and local governments.
All of this happened to Americans while they slumbered in the fraud and fiction for over 180 years.
So we lost our Constitutional government system to the franchise corporations of the District of Columbia in the greatest fraud in history and the people of America do not know what has happened to them. Our nation of states today is bankrupt with the debt money fraud but you cannot find anyone intelligent enough to explain this to so that we can stand up against this fraud and prosecute the criminals continuing this illusion today.
The truth is that we are electing the fraud into these corporations to perpetuate the fictional illusion. The other truth is all of these false public officials have to take an oath to the state constitutions because these government service corporations are creatures of the original constitutional state in order to exist in their fraudulent legal system.
I see the remedy as finding enough people to assemble this information into working groups to create writs of complaints to prosecute anyone pretending to be a government official who is violating the oaths taken to preserve and defend the constitutional offices and abide by the true law of the land.
The truth is that It is not because men have made laws, that personality, liberty, and property exist. On the contrary, it is because personality, liberty, and property exist beforehand, that men make laws. What, then, is law? As I have said elsewhere, it is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense
The present law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit any person, liberty, and property of others. It has converted stealing into a right, in order to protect the theft. And it has converted lawful defense into a crime, in order to punish lawful defense...When, then, does the theft of rights and property stop?
It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than to labor.
Are you saying, that mankind has accepted serfdom, as more tolerable than death and destruction but when the oppression of slavery becomes so miserable, that the risk of death is an acceptable option... he will rise up in revolt, or at least, try to escape? If so, it seems the ebb & flow of economies are the strings of the puppet masters. Those on the lower strata are always the burning coals of discontent and the more complacent middle are the those sleeping masses, that go along to get along. I wonder, at what point does someone else's ideology take precedent over my own? When it threatens to remove my opportunity and my very existence I suppose. That snowball is rapidly becoming an avalanche, isn't it?
when do we go along with that which we can not control. One must have faith in life after death to help one to place himself before his enemy without fear. Fear of defeat should be poorly accepted while strength of position enhanced by the thought of his maker. We are what we envision either by fear or by bravery, by weakness or by strength but most of all by our need to be slaves or to be free.
you see to me, it is easy to understand why the law is used by the legislator to destroy in varying degrees among the rest of the people, their personal independence by slavery, their liberty by oppression, and their property by theft. This is done for the benefit of the person who makes the law, and in proportion to the power that he holds
Good post, Mike! I do however, believe that we are serfs and will continue to be, until digital currency takes more of our liberty away and we become more like slaves, or we get rid of the Federal Reserve and it's system of "fractional banking". I am pretty sure the readers on this site are familiar with that UNCONSTITUTIONAL Ponzi Scheme, which has been with us since Prez Woodrow Wilson signed it into law in 1913, as mentioned by Gary Smart in his earlier post. The Fed's collection arm, the IRS was signed into law the same year, a fact that I am sure... surprises no one, here! Our currency is being brought into existence, out of thin air and generates interest acquiring debt, owed to a private international banking cartel. They purchase interest bearing US Bonds, with a paper IOU, authorize paper currency to be printed and then issue it to member banks, that lend it along with up to 9X the total amount of their deposits, at even higher interest. Only the amount borrowed by the business or individual gets canceled when the loan + interest is repaid, All else, along with deficit government spending becomes, interest acquiring public debt,(aka The National Debt), now approaching 20 trillion. The IRS collects the interest annually in taxes on wages, which does indeed, keep us on the treadmill, while bankrupting our nation and enriching the "elite few"! If that isn't serfdom, I don't know what is. This lengthy post is my understanding of the short version, on how we sheeple are fleeced! Deficit spending allows our politicians to buy votes with benefit programs and grow a bloated, overpaid and largely affirmative action bureaucracy, that is only effective using and redistributing the borrowed funds. It is actually CRONY-Socialism!
the laws of this land are about to change and not in our favor. Trump has been the major attacked person here not Cruz not Hillary no Berny not the other candidates. i smell a Hegelian dialectic moment here by a Saul Alinsky crowd . and The RNC spokesman coming out and saying the peoples voting means nothing. that trump is not allowed to become president.
How many more in here smell this Rat?? If you cant i dont even care to talk to you as your noses are broken. But to you who exercise their intelligence and look at the facts. In Utah they gave ballets out to people as many as 10 to 20 at a time (those who voted for Cruz) Did you people see now who Cruz is? look at his Wife him and his whores.
who is the best suited i don't like trump but hes not o th establishment and they hate himn downto the Vatican . they are afraid. so lets have this discussion as i have sent off to one Sheriff Mack and Arpio and other Sheriffs some interesting information I would put that information on here but i feel that one can link to you our efforts as i've been on the Burns gig for 3 months now. Now we have an investigation into the killing of Finicum the hero
So what do i say about law How do i pass on its vulgar being? first of where does law come from?
Life Is a Gift from God.
We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life -- physical, intellectual, and moral life.
But life cannot maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course.
Life, faculties, production--in other words, individuality, liberty, property -- this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.
Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place
this will hold true for as long as man reasons himself over our Creator.
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