A women has a right to free agency and it no one has a right make a business to capitalize on it.
yes , free agency, as a individual of freedom. .............. no other shall infringe on a other , and encroach on a other, the individual has a God given right to have free agency to choose as they see fit.
No goverment or agency has the right to invade ones privacy unless its allowed by the individual. free agency and privacy is the key to ones fundamental survival of life liberty and justice for all.
If the individual person chooses another way against a out side view's, its not them to judge them , its God baby to be the judge, and the individual of the free agency of obligated to the creator for the consequences, no other.
Another thought for those who don't understand true freedom............
This has nothing to do with murder............ this has to do with people that are not part of the equation. Invading ones privacy, the choice is to the individual in privacy ........... and that shall be between God and the individual. simple , why argue when your not part of the equation.
Why argue and try to control a matter for ones own reason, when its not even you reason.
Its the one and only individual who carries the unborn -the individual one with free agency.
Not goverment control or a outsiders control.
Its clearly private and no other way.
you either are free to be free, or not to be free- by control of others who are not part of the equation that one life of life.
you have your own life to worry about, so be free on your own life. then you weep the Consequences your free choice. you cant make choice for people...........
Do not justify by any means to invade ones life liberty and justice for all.
It should not even be a debate when your not part of the situation or the equation, so simple. Goverment should not be involved with invading ones privacy .
Life begins a conception and murder is illegal and this will be addressed!
We are not God........... we are Gods offspring.....
The issue at the matter is the goverment institutions utilize the matter to rob the branches purse, its no ones right to invade another person privacy. simple.
You and I are not the judge or to capitalize on the situation or the matter. See I put all trust in God- and I do not try to change the path of gods trial of life to a another.
We all are part of that plan , and we all have a role, and its our duty to put trust within and only reach the path of the right road to travel.
All I am saying there is no justifications on violating a individuals choice or God given fundamental rights, inheratant from God. we are a free Gods offspring .
To keep it simple we must not invade ones privacy, and there choice, we must only support those who need our support , and if one plants the seed of trust of the creator -then it shall be what the creator wants.
Not what a outsider wants, of the individuals free agency to choose.
To quote: "All I am saying there is no justifications on violating a individuals choice or God given fundamental rights, inheratant from God. we are a free Gods offspring ."
What about violating the fundamental rights of the unborn child? Scientists have proven that when a heartbeat is present there is life. Does anyone have the right to terminate the life of another's? What about the inherent rights of that unborn child given to them by God? Do you believe that God would approve of mothers terminating a human life?
God gave us free will, but not free choice to end the life of another.
In many states...when a pregnant woman is killed the offenders are charged with murder of the mother AND the unborn child. Why is that acceptable but when a woman chooses to end her child's life, it is not murder?
I would like to post a video of a woman calling and going to many Planned Parenthood organizations asking for prenatal care. All, but a small handful, said that they do not offer prenatal care but do offer services for woman that CHOOSE to end the life of their child. WHAT??? How is that acceptable? That is not choice. There is no choice available for that woman to get the care she needs for that child if she does not have insurance or any other healthcare. Such a double standard!
Yes, it is the mothers choice to make the decision to end a human life, but, She will have to answer to her creator for that choice. I feel that only God has the right to do that.
So many people out there, like myself, could not have children of their own and would welcome the opportunity to adopt an unwanted child. But when those beautiful babies are killed invitro, we all loose an opportunity share our lives with a child.
No one argues the point that if the mother and baby are at risk, then something must be done to save a life. But if the mother and child are healthy, why end the life of that perfect baby?
Planned Parenthood IS making money off these mothers and their unborn babies by selling the parts and pieces of that baby after it has been delivered. So again, you are contradicting yourself by saying that no one has a right to make a business to capitalize on it. Planned Parenthood obviously is!!
Thank you for your wisdom............
Is life the end when we die ?
I believe when we die its not the end, its just the beginning. The greatest gift of all, eternal life.
Romans 13-4
For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Can you and I obstruct Gods plan of life and death ?
Agency is the ability and privilege God gives us to choose and to act for ourselves. Agency is essential in the plan of salvation. Without agency, we would not be able to learn or progress or follow the Savior. With it, we are “free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil” ( 2 Nephi 2:27).
personal and private is important..............
Your questions is irrelevant, why because its not your business to intervene in someone's personal life and make a choice for them. Its the individuals choice to do right or wrong. Not mine not yours.
(all I am saying is its private , and privacy is very important key to freedom.)
Death is part of Gods plan when we die its not the ending ,its just the beginning, , if you don't know the plan of God.
I believe things happen for a reason, Gods reason. Maby the life of the one who makes the choice to live and die is God. and if one who carries the child in the womb befor birth takes the life away, it is private and its part of Gods plan.
whos to say ? who says so ?, God says so, and each one of us befor we come to earth has a plan by God. ,Maby for unknown reasons only god knows why someone would kill a unborn child.
but as a child of God we must not control Gods plans nor try. Things happens for reason, no matter what. trust in god and treat those equal as Gods child.
but other must respect the choices of true freedom of a individuals reasons, not to say its right or wrong. God is the final judge. Trust in him and it shall be the way it is to the plan.
Science has no part in the equation, because you insert it. ask your self this, if you did not know the person and the situation of given a child unborn child to be aborted , would it be justified for you to intervene and control the situations of Gods plan for that individual mother.
No you could not and should not make anyone to do something they don't want to do. However you must try to influence to save a life. but not force the decisions on ones free agency to choose.
Even though its wrong to murder. The distinctive differences can be argued all day long. but the fact of the matter is its none of your business nor mine.
Unless your part of Gods plan in the equation. but you cannot place your self in the equation to capitalize in a situation of privacy and invading others God given freedom to chose life and death.
Its very complicated, but the fact is your not God and neither is anyone else . and the judge and jury of a situation is God. no other.
Visitor: What's the difference between freewill and free-agency?
Response: While descriptions may vary, I find the following explanation to be helpful. When it is said that people have no "free will" it does not mean that a person is coerced from the outside and must act against his will. Let that be clear up front. With this in mind, it is important that we learn to distinguish coersion vs. necessity. We are indeed free of external coersion but not free of necessity. Let me explain:
What we mean by denying a (fallen) person has free will is that he/she will act, by necessity, according to the corruption of his/her nature. They are in bondage to sin meaning the love of God and His law are not the unregenerate persons' deepest animating motive and principle (nor is it his motive at all), in anything he does. No one is coercing a sinner to act as they do.
Man eagerly volunteers his submission to sin. This means, the unregenerate person will always choose according to who they are by nature, driven by their disposition. In other words, our choices are all voluntary, but we are not free to choose otherwise because we will not understand spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14) and indeed are hostile to them,
according to Scripture. Men love darkness and hate the light and will not come into the light (John 3:19, 20) Without the Holy Spirit, man, by nature, is hostile to Christ. In other words, we are in bondage to sin until Christ sets us free. Jesus himself says that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit, that a thornbush cannot bear figs. Jesus is teaching us that the nature of a thing determines BY NECESSITY (not coersion) the direction he/she will take.
what is true freedom ? are you truly free ? I am..................
if I was part of the equation I would trust in God, and I would pray for the individual to make the best choice of a free choice of preserving and protecting life. no - matter what.
How would I do this by love and wisdom from God.
Another thought for those who don't understand true freedom............
This has nothing to do with murder............ this has to do with people that are not part of the equation. Invading ones privacy, the choice is to the individual in privacy ........... and that shall be between God and the individual. simple , why argue when your not part of the equation.
Why argue and try to control a matter for ones own reason, when its not even you reason.
Its the one and only individual who carries the unborn -the individual one with free agency.
Not goverment control or a outsiders control.
Its clearly private and no other way.
you either are free to be free, or not to be free- by control of others who are not part of the equation that one life of life.
you have your own life to worry about, so be free on your own life. then you weep the Consequences your free choice. you cant make choice for people...........
Do not justify by any means to invade ones life liberty and justice for all.
It should not even be a debate when your not part of the situation or the equation, so simple. Goverment should not be involved with invading ones privacy .
murder is murder, only God can determine life or death, don't plAy God!
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