Money is a token representing the worth of a product or service,We use dollars to express the relative valies of that which we produce or wish to acquire.
We cimbine or time and talent to prpduce things that other people want.
In Article I Clause 2 Congress is assigned the task of punishimg the coumterfeiting of our lawful money, Money that is created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve is dishonest money that is borrowed into existance. Federal Reserve Notes are debt instruments issued by an international crime syndicate.
Our nation has borrowed hundreds of trillions of dollars since the establishment of the Federal Reseve in 1913. Every dollar that is borrowed benefits the bankers at the expense of the people.
The borrower is always the slave to the lender and our government has become the slave to its lender and it is "We the People" that are paying the price.
The Federal Reserve Act which aithorized our fraudulent monetary system is clearly uncomstitutional and needs to be repealed.