The Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence affirmed that all men have rights which were granted to them by their Creator. One of the most basic rights is the freedom to choose what to buy and who to buy it from.
When engaging in commerce, the buyer and the seller enter into a voluntary contract. In order to facilitate the exchange both parties must agree on the terms of the transaction. Neither the buyer nor the seller can be compelled to buy/sell anything without the mutual consent of both parties.
The government has no lawful authority to nullify the rights of either the buyer or the seller.
We discriminate every time we go to the grocery store. Some of us choose Cheerios and others select Rice Krispies. Some of us choose Coke and others choose Pepsi. The right to choose what to buy and where to buy it, is one of our God given rights.
If the government can force you to buy Coca Cola at a particular market, the government would be violating your freedom to choose.
A man who makes cakes has a right to sell his product to whomever he wants and the man desirous to buy a cake has the freedom to select the vendor of his choice. It would be wrong to force the customer to buy the cake from one particular vendor and it would be equally unfair to compel the baker to sell his cakes to people he does not want to serve.
Laws which rob individuals of their freedom to discriminate violate the very principles upon which our nation was founded.
If a baker wanted to sell his cakes to only left handed albinos, I believe it would be his right to do so. I believe that by limiting his market he would have a difficult time succeeding in his business.
If a gay baker wanted to sell cakes only to gay customers, he should have the right to do so. If a heterosexual baker wants to limit his sales to heterosexual customers he too, should have that right.
A righteous man does what is right because it is right, not because he is compelled to do so. If the government has the authority to compel us to buy our products from a particular vendor or requires the vendor to sell his products to whoever wants them, our God given rights have become privileges granted to us by the state.
If I knew a business owner refused to serve people because of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, I would personally boycott the man's business and I would encourage all of my friends to do the same.
Fabulous, well researched post, Elaine! I enjoyed reading all of the excellent points you made and am glad that you shared them on this forum! Thankyou very much for enlightening me and all of the good people on this site! I look forward to any other posts that you might share in the future!
That article hit me hard!!!
Great post Elaine, if I may summarize it...
PC is to tell an audience (group) what it wants to hear, they become fans this to all the groups with most power and like what's ITs name, "please every douche-bag in politics", now that's superiority ...and from a most powerful position in the world the douche can "seem" to be there when they are looking, so they have little reason to believe IT pleased nobody (hence at the same time had to have lied to everybody, or at least not to "their" group) in the end, the douche stops and IT has the last word.
Ever wonder why biden said "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." or hellary speaking in a Southern drawl, etc. ...all PC.
Great article passed on by an intelligent woman who knows the Bible. This article and the truth in it is why I continue to call a spade a spade in spite of being socially ostracized.
Agreed- 100%. The bad effect of government control over just about everything disallows a lot of our rights to choose and vend with who we please. I have always said since I was little (which was a long time ago) our feelings are still free; no one taxed them yet!!
Thank God.....they just don't want us to EXPRESS Our Thoughts and Feelings.
It seems to me when you wrote this If I knew a business owner refused to serve people because of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, I would personally boycott the man's business and I would encourage all of my friends to do the same you contradicted every this else you said.
I live in Texas. We have a very large population of Illegals. Obama gave them ALL Amnesty. I went out a couple of days ago, this new Amnesty woman walked across my yard to get to the lakes in back of my house. (there is a path to get there. She didn't want to bother)
I explained to her, "Sweetie, you can't trespass on someone's property. The new AMNESTY lady had the audacity to tell me, "I'm gonna tell on you." I just grinned at her and said, "Go Ahead."
I contacted the community board to tell them. I also reminded them to check her files.
This mother has two beautiful little girls about 5 and 6 yrs old. The parents have TWO large sports vehicles parked in the drive (Important to remember this). Suddenly, their new little dogs ran out into the street. The little girls ran after the little dogs. The little girls ran from the beside of the vehicles; and couldn't be seen from the street.
Thank God, the driver of a large vehicle was driving slow. He still had to stomp on his brakes to keep from hitting the little girls.
For some reason, now that they have amnesty, they think they should be able to do anything they want to do...break leash laws, trespass, etc.
I waited to call CPS because I do NOT like Child Protective Services. Had it kept up... I would have had to call them.
Why I don't like Child Protective Services? I had just finished my Bachelor's at U.T. SW Medical in Dallas. I applied for a job.
I was hired until she asked me: "IF you hear a child crying, what would you do?"
This was my answer since All mothers know there are different types of crying:
Temper Tantrum,
The crying when the child need to be put down for a nap because he/she is so tired.
IF the cry would have been "screaming" that they were in extraordinary pain, then YES, I would call them.
I was NOT hired.
I hate it that you are right. I have read and heard of horror stories. That was another reason I didn't is an entire new conversation.
I think the only thing out of place is "sexual orientation" ...discrimination is justified only against immoral behavior.
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