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The Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence affirmed that all men have rights which were granted to them by their Creator. One of the most basic rights is the freedom to choose what to buy and who to buy it from. 

When engaging in commerce, the buyer and the seller enter into a voluntary contract. In order to  facilitate the exchange both parties must agree on the terms of the transaction. Neither the buyer nor the seller can be compelled to buy/sell anything without the mutual consent of both parties.

The government has no lawful authority to nullify the rights of either the buyer or the seller.

We discriminate every time we go to the grocery store.  Some of us choose Cheerios and others select Rice Krispies. Some of us choose Coke and others choose Pepsi. The right to choose what to buy and where to buy it, is one of our God given rights.

If the government can force you to buy Coca Cola at a particular market, the government would be violating your freedom to choose. 

A man who makes cakes has a right to sell his product to whomever he wants and the man desirous to buy a cake has the freedom to select the vendor of his choice. It would be wrong to force the customer to buy the cake from one particular vendor and it would be equally unfair to compel the baker to sell his cakes to people he does not want to serve.

Laws which rob individuals of their freedom to discriminate violate the very principles upon which our nation was founded.

If a baker wanted to sell his cakes to only left handed albinos, I believe it would be his right to do so. I believe that by limiting his market he would have a difficult time succeeding in his business.

If a gay baker wanted to sell cakes only to gay customers, he should have the right to do so. If a heterosexual baker wants to limit his sales to heterosexual customers he too, should have that right.

A righteous man does what is right because it is right, not because he is compelled to do so. If the government has the authority to compel us to buy our products from a particular vendor or requires the vendor to sell his products to whoever wants them, our God given rights have become privileges granted to us by the state. 

If I knew a business owner refused to serve people because of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, I would personally boycott the man's business and I would encourage all of my friends to do the same.

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OK Keith... now we are back in sync!!! I agree 100%, but we are being controlled by 1% of the population!

Thanks for bringing that up, while every church, teapartier and freedom advocate shrink from battle once again. We lost this battle 60 years ago when so called civil rights trumped individual rights and property rights. Almost all preferred to call our patriots haters, bigots and racist. Reap the whirlwind. As you say Keith, to be discriminating used to be an attribute.

Discrimination still is an attribute, Robert! Just because a few lowlifes who hate freedom try, with shrillness and the scourge of political correctness, does not mean that we have to let them get away with it! The only power any one can have over us is power we allow them to have! WHO CARES if they call us names....let them knock themselves out - they only succeed in making themselves look like the idiots they are! We do not need to take anything they say seriously, and why would we? It doesn't matter what went down in the 1960s and 70s....the past no longer exists and no longer has to be acknowledged! We need to simply ignore and minimalize the so-called "progressive" left, who are all morally and intellectually bankrupt anyway! They may have the government media on their side, but we have the United States Constitution on ours! All is not lost, not by a long shot; patriots just need to stand together with resolve and not allow the enemies of liberty to have the last word!

A God given right to choose is not a negative term such as discrimination, more like pro-choice or a right to choose, so long as it's pro-life.

A "voluntary" contract is a lure into a static cell that may be difficult / impossible to get out of down the line, hence requires lawyers creates statism, otherwise known as hell.  Keep it simple, no contracts, only agreement(s).

By the way the third paragraph from last and last paragraph are partially contradictory.

We discriminate everyday....We buy one brand of Cola over another.

We have the right to CHOOSE who we will be friends with.

We have the right to  Choose who we go into business with.

We discriminate for a "just cause."  Some people confuse the word "Discriminate vs. Discernment."

Interesting point... So that means corporations that "force" us to purchase media content "packages" are

violating our fundamental right to choose what we want to watch and what we don't want to watch?

I think we all know the scenario cable & satellite providers.

e.g. All I want to watch is Star Trek (all of it's variations), NASCAR, Perry Mason, Football, & Baseball,

The military Channel, and the discovery channel...HOWEVER for me to get those programs I have to

spend upwards of a 100.00 $/month AND 80 % of my "package" I'll NEVER watch!!

Which is why I dropped DISH and I use Netflix, and VuDu, I can purchase a NASCAR "pitpass"

and watch the races over the internet. The same goes for Football & Baseball.

Internet Service Providers are trying to do the same thing by limiting the bandwidth of content providers

based on the deals they make.  This is why the FCC wants to treat the internet as public utility and provide

everyone with equal access.  

Exactly, packaging is a forced volume "discount" or mostly useless "choice" ...also whatever we watch is something we want to watch, expect (or are willing to pay for) ...yet the networks are mostly and increasingly funded by their demand or agenda driven sponsors we end up paying increasingly less for the show (or what we want) and more for (increasingly "mentally" unexpected) commercials.

Obama has become the GREATEST Insurance rep and gun salesman in the history of our country.  I don't that is what he intended

Great post, Guy, and very interesting! You are so right about cable and sattellite providers; of course, "Caligula" wants very much to control the internet, but I'm thankful for the FCC! Now that so many alternatives like the ones you mentioned and ROKU and AppleTV, those companies just might be compelled to offer less restrictive programming packages! God bless!


Are you within reach of 'over the air' signals?  The new Digital channels are capable of three separate programs at once.  You mention some shows that are available on something called 'ME-TV'.  Here, in Tucson, it is the '2' channel for local Ch. 13.  They carry all sorts of quality OLD shows.  There is another called 'Antenna TV', carying similar programming as the '2' channel for local Ch. 9.  Check it out...  Maybe we can put a stop to the 'packages' and bring up ala-carte programming.  

Yes I am , That's my next step... However FYI beware of anyone who wants to sell you a Digital HD antenna... There's no such thing.

I do NOT know if this is what you are talking about...let me explain.

I have Time Warner. -- I apologize.  I am so disgusted with this that I can hardly type.

ALL TV(s) became digital in 1995.  What that mean for all of us was two things:

A much clearer picture....

This is the bad part.  With Digital, they (whoever wanted to" see what you were doing, could see you."

Time Warner tried to force us to take This NEW DIGITAL.  It IS dangerous.  

Not only can they see you eating dinner sitting in front of the TV.  They can actually "digitally" place  you in a location appearing to be breaking a law.

My Cable Company, Time Warner tried to force that on us.  I tol them that we have all had digital since 1995.  I blasted them about the new type.  They either thought I was nuts, or didn't care.  Just another day of business to them.


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