The owners of the corporation that is doing business as the UNITED STATES are the stock holders. While their names are not published, we know that the stockholders of the Federal Reserve and the IRS are also the same criminals that own the stock in the corporate UNITED STATES.
We the People are the employees of the corporation and the Congressmen and women that are elected answer to the stockholders and not the employees. As long as our elected officials take their marching orders from the stockholders and not the people, our nation is destined to fail.
Replacing one set of corrupt politicians with new ones will not change anything as long as the stockholders are calling the shots. Eliminate the bankers and we can restore liberty to the land that once was free.
Anyone that has a social security card is at least a part-time government employee of the UNITED STATES corporation. Everyone that is registered to vote has affirmed that they are subjects to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES and that they no longer have God given rights. They merely have privileges granted to them by the government.
Hi Rhonda, thanks. I think most of what you say aligns with me except on one point. My feeling is that its not going to get worse and then better. It already has been the worst with most of Congress totally corrupted by greed, and corporations now playing the role of being more powerful than nations. We had a corrupt evil Pope sanctioning child molesting, now replaced by a man of honor who is cleaning house at the Vatican. The last Pope said sex with children was considered normal in his day, and Catholics all over the world still attended Catholic church. That kind of shows us how bad it got, and it is changing. I just finished a little book called The Impersonal Life by Joseph Brenner. This book, I was told in a channeled message from Jesus that he wrote it 100 years ago through the channel Joseph Brenner. In this same message another book called The Course in Miracles was also written by Jesus. I know you don't agree with me about this golden age, and the stuff about channeled beings is a little "out there" but there are mountains of books and teachings that say we are indeed entering the golden age and we all agreed to be here now in this life to see it happen. School house Earth is the hardest place to be in, and we are here indeed for the lessons in our evolution. I feel we are waking up, to the spark of the Christ in all of us. It beats our hearts. The only thing that matters is love. I share a paragraph from someone known as Saul who explains what is happening right now:
When you feel the urge to complain about the (to you) apparent delay in humanity’s awakening, just remind yourselves that what is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process that has been underway for many human generations. Wise men and women have incarnated over the ages with the message that Love is the path to the divine. Sometimes they have been heard and their message understood and assimilated; at other times they have been persecuted, but over the eons that essential message has been passed down through many generations and through various religions and cultures, and it has been very firmly rooted. Now the benefits of all those wise and holy ones’ efforts are bearing fruit as literally vast numbers of humans are turning towards Love and intending to be loving, because that message of Love is an eternal aspect of your divine heritage which, although hidden and unrecognized for a long time, is ineradicable.
As stated in the book of Isaiah "Through repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength" Isa. 30:15. Love alone can not save anyone. it does not take you into a higher state of being. We are commanded to love one another and to love God by the scriptures but salvation comes from Jesus Christ alone., Man can not attain this by or of himself. Salvation is a free gift offered to humanity by God and any thing else is false.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Hi Rhonda, thanks. I think most of what you say aligns with me except on one point. My feeling is that its not going to get worse and then better. It already has been the worst with most of Congress totally corrupted by greed, and corporations now playing the role of being more powerful than nations. We had a corrupt evil Pope sanctioning child molesting, now replaced by a man of honor who is cleaning house at the Vatican. The last Pope said sex with children was considered normal in his day, and Catholics all over the world still attended Catholic church. That kind of shows us how bad it got, and it is changing. I just finished a little book called The Impersonal Life by Joseph Brenner. This book, I was told in a channeled message from Jesus that he wrote it 100 years ago through the channel Joseph Brenner. In this same message another book called The Course in Miracles was also written by Jesus. I know you don't agree with me about this golden age, and the stuff about channeled beings is a little "out there" but there are mountains of books and teachings that say we are indeed entering the golden age and we all agreed to be here now in this life to see it happen. School house Earth is the hardest place to be in, and we are here indeed for the lessons in our evolution. I feel we are waking up, to the spark of the Christ in all of us. It beats our hearts. The only thing that matters is love. I share a paragraph from someone known as Saul who explains what is happening right now:
When you feel the urge to complain about the (to you) apparent delay in humanity’s awakening, just remind yourselves that what is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process that has been underway for many human generations. Wise men and women have incarnated over the ages with the message that Love is the path to the divine. Sometimes they have been heard and their message understood and assimilated; at other times they have been persecuted, but over the eons that essential message has been passed down through many generations and through various religions and cultures, and it has been very firmly rooted. Now the benefits of all those wise and holy ones’ efforts are bearing fruit as literally vast numbers of humans are turning towards Love and intending to be loving, because that message of Love is an eternal aspect of your divine heritage which, although hidden and unrecognized for a long time, is ineradicable.
I won't need to prove anything. We are not alone and we have been visited for thousands of years. There is life everywhere. We have over one billion planets like Earth in the milky way. If you went from one edge of the milky way to the other at the speed of light, it would take 150,000 years. There are billions of galaxies and many are five times bigger than ours on average.
There was a recent week long conference in Washington DC. It was Dr Edward Greer and 20 former members of Congress who got together to discuss full disclosure of our space brothers and sisters, and proof that we are not alone. It is very interesting to note that the Boston bombing was done on the day the week long conference began. For nine days in a row, nothing was on Fox or CNN, except the bombing news 24/7. This was done, as I was told to not let the people see what was going on at the United Press Club in Washington D.C. and to test the police state. They used fear and raided homes without any warrants to see just how far they could go. They did quite a lot but also woke a lot of people up.
We are not alone and the Earth is a lot older than we have been led to believe. Massive UFO contacts have been reported recently all over the world and we have been told that there will be mass landings very soon. They are our brothers and sisters because they are humanoids that just happened to be on planets a lot older than Earth. Just look at our technology in the last 100 years, and imagine a planet that got started a million years before us. There is no doubt that we would not understand their technology because we went from horse and buggy and telegraphs, to what we have now in only 100 years. We are in for some very exciting fun times very very soon!
I can't understand the lyrics. Makes no sense to me. But, I had a video tape put out by Clinton's lawyer, exposing the massive amount of corruption and deaths associated with the Clinton administration. I loaned the tape to somebody, don't recall who, and that lawyer is now listed among the strange deaths tied to the Clintons, so I can't get another copy of the tape.
Rhonda Herrington said:
Wayne, I have not done any research on it and I think you are right. Maybe we need to look at this and determine where these guys are coming from. On a more lighter side, go to You Tube and listen to Steely Dan "Kid Charlemagne"
This is who we are up against. A corrupt, drug dealing, gun running cabal.
Wayne Bachmann said:I am not sure if it is the same white hats group, but all parties concerned may want to do a search on underground cities being blown up. Supposedly the group that did it are known as white hats. The underground cities that were blown up are/were underground safe havens for those who want to take us over. There is another one being built under the Denver Airport, from what my neighbors told me. They have relatives who live nearby, who are witnessing this big mound of dirt appear in the area, and lots of concrete trucks going to the airport.
Rhonda Herrington said:Karl: I have seen some of the info that you are quoting and it sounds like propaganda. This White Hat good guy sounds like a UN written report. If we allow anyone global, any global group or monetary system to go into effect we are giving away our sovereignty. I have to question where your info is coming from and if it is from a deceptive source to confuse people and make the NWO come into power by claiming they are the good guys here to restore our republic and get rid of the crooks while they are actually the cabal trying to take over this country and are the same people who are bringing all this misfortune on us. They are masters of deception.
Meyers said:Well Don, every time you applied for a credit card or went to a college class or registered to vote, or if you joined the military, you checked that little box that said - I am a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Before 1913 there were no citizens of the UNITED STATES. Everyone was a citizen of their State. Even though you were not of legal age to enter into contract, by implied consent you are indeed a citizen of the corporation. Also, the corporation does not honor any laws because the Constitution does not apply to slaves. Slaves have privileges, not rights. There is however some good news. There have been some people known as white knights or good guys that have been working for decades to restore our republic, and shut down the corporation, and that is happening right now. There is a new banking system almost ready to go that ousts the Federal Reserve criminal cartel. This new banking system is global and the age of fiat currency is ending now. You will know this has happened when you see the gold fringed flags go away, along with their corrupt courts. We are going back to the Common Law too. Here is a link to an article regarding the return of the united States to the gold/silver standard:
Don Kepus said:They say we are part of the Corporate United States when we are given our Soc Sec Numbers. They cannot hold a lawful argument as a person under the age of 18 cannot enter into a contract of any kind and be held lawfully liable for its requirements. Therefore we are not employees of the United States and we are CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS AVOWED AND PLEDGED TO UNDER OUR STATEMENTS are held to the VALIDITY OF LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS. We do not have to pay the corporation for anything it does when they act as part of the corporate United States, IRS, Fed Reserve, etc. Until the government entity dissolves itself as doing business as the Corp. U.S. of A. tehy have no legal recourse against anyone born after 1933 or date they formed the corporate entity. By fraudulently claiming we are to pay homage to them, cannot stand up to a lawful argument in court. They same goes true for the abolishment of the existing court and legislative bodies.
I can not speak for all he has said, but I am very familiar with most of what he has mentioned. He is telling the truth, from the perspective of what I am familiar with. We have both been very active in studying this stuff for years on somewhat different directions, but with a wide band of overlapping.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Hi Rhonda, maybe a little background on me will help you to understand that I do not work for the cabal and am not promoting propaganda. I am a US Navy Vietnam war veteran. I joined the Navy at 17 thinking I was supporting my country. I served at sea and risked my life for freedom on board an ammunition ship in war time. After discharge I became an Engineer/scientist at IBM and with my security clearance started working in the aerospace field at Onizuka AFB in Sunnyvale California.
I found out that the IRS was a fraud way back in the early 1980's. I fought the IRS before there was an Internet, because I learned that there was no law that requires anyone to file or pay the income tax, and that income taxes are voluntary, and must be apportioned. I stopped paying federal and State income taxes and a few years later the "bad guys" corrupted the grand Jury of San Francisco and indicted me for income tax evasion. I was faced with 20 years in prison and $200,000 in fines for standing up for the constitution. I played their game of hiring an expensive attorney, and got the charges reduced to willful failure to file. If I had gone to their admiralty court as pro se, I would have been put in jail for sure. I did not have to serve time in prison.
So, later on in life I learned about the plans for the new world order and how the "bad guys" wanted to kill off over 5 billion of us because we were too many for them to handle. As a result of their doing, we have aspartame, neotame and splenda in over 7000 foods, fluoride in our water and toothpaste, and we have been sprayed like little bugs from chem trails that have been poisoning everyone with aluminum, barium and strontium.
When I talk about the good guys part of what I have said is from several different "trusted" sources like Ben Fulford and David Wilcock and many more. I have also been a member of Freedom Club USA for over eight years, who have cracked the code of bank fraud. I am also guided and led always by the Christ spark in every one of my cells. On the morning of 9/11 NESARA was going to be announced. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. The bad guys knew that NESARA was going to end the Federal Reserve fiat currency system and shut down the war machine. Well, 19 Arabs with box cutters did not take NORAD down. 9/11 was an inside job and the biggest gold heist since 1933. Not one of the names of the so called Arab hijackers was on any flight manifest. The bad guys used building 7 in New York as their command center, and it was destroyed the same day. They destroyed all the evidence. Building 7 was not hit by any planes and only had a few small fires burning but came down in ten seconds.
Since then there have been rumors and more rumors and a lot of hopeful things in the works, but it always seemed like any time we try to fight them, we would lose. Now with the Internet and by one click we could scan the entire IRS code to see that there is no definition of "income" at all. We could also by one click send information out to millions. The early spring in the Middle East was happening because of people using cell phones and the Internet to get the truth out. In America we had the occupy movement, also using these tools.
So who are the white hats and the good guys? There have been stories circulating that the white hats are really on the dark side. Looks like if that is true, then we have been duped again, but I must say to use your own discernment and see what is true to you. For me, I AM connected to a spiritual side that says the dark hats time of rule has ended. In the last two years over 700 high level CEO's and CFO's in banking and key industry have resigned. Just last week the two top men at the Vatican bank have resigned facing criminal charges. CEO's at banks just do not quit unless there is something really serious going on. There is. Bankers have been running the war machine and own the media. We have all been constantly lied to by our corrupt politicians who work for and support the corporation USA Inc in their legislative democracy created in 1933.
On December 21st 2012 that was the last day of the Mayan calendar. It is the end of an "age" and the beginning of a new one known as the Golden Age. You can take it or leave it if you want but most of the teachings I have found in the last few years says wholeheartedly that we are indeed entering the Golden Age and this is year one. Look at what is going on. Thirty three million in Egypt rose up peacefully to take back their country. In Turkey, Brazil, and several other places the same thing is happening. The new banking system was not started by the cabal, it cuts off the cabal. Have you heard of BRICS? It stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They built a whole new fiber optic network globally for the new banking system that does not allow fiat currency, or the Rothchilds or Bilderbergers. As part of that, the 99 year contract with the Federal Reserve ended last August and will never be renewed.
I know this is a lot but I have done a lot of research for years. Have no fear. That spark of God inside you protects you always, and it is indeed a very special time to be alive, to witness the ending of the time when America went to its lowest most corrupt time in the entire history of our country, and will restore the republic, because it is one nation under God.
I have very strong belief and faith that the bad guys are out of business. There have been several "false flag" events like Newtown and the Boston bombing, but we may not see much of that any more. Yes, they are not completely gone yet or out of business but their purse strings from the Federal Reserve have been severed. The new honest banking system will be one backed by gold, silver and platinum, and every country will back their currency by their own country real assets like the oil in Iraq. I hope this explains why I could not ever be on the dark side spreading propaganda. I am in the Light.
One thing I will add for Rhonda. You can't lose your sovereignty because you are not sovereign. You are a debt slave of the cabal, and we will all get our sovereignty back when these corrupt evil disgusting bankers and politicians are arrested and removed from their positions. No one is sovereign as long as we are in the several declared states of national emergency, flying the gold fringed flags in the UNITED STATES corporation. You can think you are sovereign if you want but from my copy of Bouvier's 1870 law dictionary says you are not:
Sovereign - A chief ruler with supreme power; a king or other ruler with limited power
Wayne, I think you can get the jest of the song. Look who are wearing white hats at the end and this video is written about what our politicians are really doing and they are all guilty of it. Running guns and drugs. Fast and Furious, Benghazi. Heck, think back to Oliver North and the Iran contra deal. This is what this criminal gang of Chicago Thugs are all about. And Hillary Cliinton is from Chicago suburbs. Park Ridge. This is where the gangsters thrived and entered politics. This is where all the Union started as well as Detroit. And look at Detriot, what a war zone that has been for the last 20 -30 years.
Wayne Bachmann said:
I can't understand the lyrics. Makes no sense to me. But, I had a video tape put out by Clinton's lawyer, exposing the massive amount of corruption and deaths associated with the Clinton administration. I loaned the tape to somebody, don't recall who, and that lawyer is now listed among the strange deaths tied to the Clintons, so I can't get another copy of the tape.
Rhonda Herrington said:Wayne, I have not done any research on it and I think you are right. Maybe we need to look at this and determine where these guys are coming from. On a more lighter side, go to You Tube and listen to Steely Dan "Kid Charlemagne"
This is who we are up against. A corrupt, drug dealing, gun running cabal.
Wayne Bachmann said:I am not sure if it is the same white hats group, but all parties concerned may want to do a search on underground cities being blown up. Supposedly the group that did it are known as white hats. The underground cities that were blown up are/were underground safe havens for those who want to take us over. There is another one being built under the Denver Airport, from what my neighbors told me. They have relatives who live nearby, who are witnessing this big mound of dirt appear in the area, and lots of concrete trucks going to the airport.
Rhonda Herrington said:Karl: I have seen some of the info that you are quoting and it sounds like propaganda. This White Hat good guy sounds like a UN written report. If we allow anyone global, any global group or monetary system to go into effect we are giving away our sovereignty. I have to question where your info is coming from and if it is from a deceptive source to confuse people and make the NWO come into power by claiming they are the good guys here to restore our republic and get rid of the crooks while they are actually the cabal trying to take over this country and are the same people who are bringing all this misfortune on us. They are masters of deception.
Meyers said:Well Don, every time you applied for a credit card or went to a college class or registered to vote, or if you joined the military, you checked that little box that said - I am a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Before 1913 there were no citizens of the UNITED STATES. Everyone was a citizen of their State. Even though you were not of legal age to enter into contract, by implied consent you are indeed a citizen of the corporation. Also, the corporation does not honor any laws because the Constitution does not apply to slaves. Slaves have privileges, not rights. There is however some good news. There have been some people known as white knights or good guys that have been working for decades to restore our republic, and shut down the corporation, and that is happening right now. There is a new banking system almost ready to go that ousts the Federal Reserve criminal cartel. This new banking system is global and the age of fiat currency is ending now. You will know this has happened when you see the gold fringed flags go away, along with their corrupt courts. We are going back to the Common Law too. Here is a link to an article regarding the return of the united States to the gold/silver standard:
Don Kepus said:They say we are part of the Corporate United States when we are given our Soc Sec Numbers. They cannot hold a lawful argument as a person under the age of 18 cannot enter into a contract of any kind and be held lawfully liable for its requirements. Therefore we are not employees of the United States and we are CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS AVOWED AND PLEDGED TO UNDER OUR STATEMENTS are held to the VALIDITY OF LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS. We do not have to pay the corporation for anything it does when they act as part of the corporate United States, IRS, Fed Reserve, etc. Until the government entity dissolves itself as doing business as the Corp. U.S. of A. tehy have no legal recourse against anyone born after 1933 or date they formed the corporate entity. By fraudulently claiming we are to pay homage to them, cannot stand up to a lawful argument in court. They same goes true for the abolishment of the existing court and legislative bodies.
Karl, technically you are right about us having no sovereignty because we don't. but if we allow the UN or world body to come into this country to enforce the laws of the country whose laws will they enforce. Our Constitution or their laws which are international laws. It is just the final death seal on our country to allow a foreign country to interpret our law. And by the way we already have Russian troops all over our country ready to keep the peace in the event of civil unrest. The government is locked and loaded to keep the peace that they are disturbing with false flag events and because they don't think Americans will fire on Americans they are bringing in UN troops. So you are right, we have no sovereignty and we have very little power left to we the people. The last straw is when international troops are on our streets to keep the populace from rising up against the criminals running our Government.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
One thing I will add for Rhonda. You can't lose your sovereignty because you are not sovereign. You are a debt slave of the cabal, and we will all get our sovereignty back when these corrupt evil disgusting bankers and politicians are arrested and removed from their positions. No one is sovereign as long as we are in the several declared states of national emergency, flying the gold fringed flags in the UNITED STATES corporation. You can think you are sovereign if you want but from my copy of Bouvier's 1870 law dictionary says you are not:
Sovereign - A chief ruler with supreme power; a king or other ruler with limited power
Wayne, that is why we need to share info. I think we can all agree on many levels and are right about what is going on. It is the belief system of where it is going that we part ways with. I do not believe in the assessment that Karl is making. He believes everything is going to be all right because things are already changing and we just have to wait for our new age to come. I believe we have not seen the worst of it and it is only just beginning and is going to get far more worse and that we need to prepare for what is ahead and how we will survive it and how we will know lies and deception of the enemy. I am not ashamed to say that I believe that the Bible is the truth and it tells us completely what is going to happen. Read Rev. 6 and tell me if this is not what is happening in the world today. The 4 horses of the Apocalypse and tell me that something written 2,000 years ago is not describing what is happening in the world today. You will be amazed. Then read Isaiah 19 where it talks about Egyptians turning on Egyptian and fighting each other. This was written 2500 years ago and it is happening today. Then read Matt 24 and Jesus own words what the world will be like in the last days. Also if you really want to be amazed read the book of Joel, chapter 2 and it describes a tank invasion. Then tell me the Bible is not relevant. It comes down to where are we getting our intelligence from and who can we believe about what is ahead.
No offense meant Karl but you have a pie in the sky belief system and I think that is dangerous because it will give people a false sense of security and therefore they will not be prepared to face what is ahead and be caught like a thief in the night so to speak when the SHTF.
Wayne Bachmann said:
I can not speak for all he has said, but I am very familiar with most of what he has mentioned. He is telling the truth, from the perspective of what I am familiar with. We have both been very active in studying this stuff for years on somewhat different directions, but with a wide band of overlapping.
Karl Norman Meyers said:Hi Rhonda, maybe a little background on me will help you to understand that I do not work for the cabal and am not promoting propaganda. I am a US Navy Vietnam war veteran. I joined the Navy at 17 thinking I was supporting my country. I served at sea and risked my life for freedom on board an ammunition ship in war time. After discharge I became an Engineer/scientist at IBM and with my security clearance started working in the aerospace field at Onizuka AFB in Sunnyvale California.
I found out that the IRS was a fraud way back in the early 1980's. I fought the IRS before there was an Internet, because I learned that there was no law that requires anyone to file or pay the income tax, and that income taxes are voluntary, and must be apportioned. I stopped paying federal and State income taxes and a few years later the "bad guys" corrupted the grand Jury of San Francisco and indicted me for income tax evasion. I was faced with 20 years in prison and $200,000 in fines for standing up for the constitution. I played their game of hiring an expensive attorney, and got the charges reduced to willful failure to file. If I had gone to their admiralty court as pro se, I would have been put in jail for sure. I did not have to serve time in prison.
So, later on in life I learned about the plans for the new world order and how the "bad guys" wanted to kill off over 5 billion of us because we were too many for them to handle. As a result of their doing, we have aspartame, neotame and splenda in over 7000 foods, fluoride in our water and toothpaste, and we have been sprayed like little bugs from chem trails that have been poisoning everyone with aluminum, barium and strontium.
When I talk about the good guys part of what I have said is from several different "trusted" sources like Ben Fulford and David Wilcock and many more. I have also been a member of Freedom Club USA for over eight years, who have cracked the code of bank fraud. I am also guided and led always by the Christ spark in every one of my cells. On the morning of 9/11 NESARA was going to be announced. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. The bad guys knew that NESARA was going to end the Federal Reserve fiat currency system and shut down the war machine. Well, 19 Arabs with box cutters did not take NORAD down. 9/11 was an inside job and the biggest gold heist since 1933. Not one of the names of the so called Arab hijackers was on any flight manifest. The bad guys used building 7 in New York as their command center, and it was destroyed the same day. They destroyed all the evidence. Building 7 was not hit by any planes and only had a few small fires burning but came down in ten seconds.
Since then there have been rumors and more rumors and a lot of hopeful things in the works, but it always seemed like any time we try to fight them, we would lose. Now with the Internet and by one click we could scan the entire IRS code to see that there is no definition of "income" at all. We could also by one click send information out to millions. The early spring in the Middle East was happening because of people using cell phones and the Internet to get the truth out. In America we had the occupy movement, also using these tools.
So who are the white hats and the good guys? There have been stories circulating that the white hats are really on the dark side. Looks like if that is true, then we have been duped again, but I must say to use your own discernment and see what is true to you. For me, I AM connected to a spiritual side that says the dark hats time of rule has ended. In the last two years over 700 high level CEO's and CFO's in banking and key industry have resigned. Just last week the two top men at the Vatican bank have resigned facing criminal charges. CEO's at banks just do not quit unless there is something really serious going on. There is. Bankers have been running the war machine and own the media. We have all been constantly lied to by our corrupt politicians who work for and support the corporation USA Inc in their legislative democracy created in 1933.
On December 21st 2012 that was the last day of the Mayan calendar. It is the end of an "age" and the beginning of a new one known as the Golden Age. You can take it or leave it if you want but most of the teachings I have found in the last few years says wholeheartedly that we are indeed entering the Golden Age and this is year one. Look at what is going on. Thirty three million in Egypt rose up peacefully to take back their country. In Turkey, Brazil, and several other places the same thing is happening. The new banking system was not started by the cabal, it cuts off the cabal. Have you heard of BRICS? It stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They built a whole new fiber optic network globally for the new banking system that does not allow fiat currency, or the Rothchilds or Bilderbergers. As part of that, the 99 year contract with the Federal Reserve ended last August and will never be renewed.
I know this is a lot but I have done a lot of research for years. Have no fear. That spark of God inside you protects you always, and it is indeed a very special time to be alive, to witness the ending of the time when America went to its lowest most corrupt time in the entire history of our country, and will restore the republic, because it is one nation under God.
I have very strong belief and faith that the bad guys are out of business. There have been several "false flag" events like Newtown and the Boston bombing, but we may not see much of that any more. Yes, they are not completely gone yet or out of business but their purse strings from the Federal Reserve have been severed. The new honest banking system will be one backed by gold, silver and platinum, and every country will back their currency by their own country real assets like the oil in Iraq. I hope this explains why I could not ever be on the dark side spreading propaganda. I am in the Light.
It it is illegal for the UN to alter our constitution, and it it illegal for a corrupt Congress to even try to alter it. Passing a gun ban treaty is null on its face for Americans, because no one can alter or change the constitution unless we the People do it by amendment.
Karl, your killing me. LOL These guys will do what they want to do and are doing exactly as they please whether it's against the law or not. They aren't going to stop. We don't have a constitution any longer or rule of law in this land. And there is nothing we can do about it because we can not fight the US Military or the UN soldiers on our soil and all the FEMA camps for our use. So it is entirely irreverent to say what they can and can not do according to the law because the law has been suspended and they will do as they like. And when Americans finally rise up to do something about it they will be mowed down like grass. The only way to beat these people is trust in God and take individual responsibility of standing our ground where ever we may be planted. Get involved in our neighborhoods. Talk to like minded people about what is going on. Then get on your knees and ask for divine protection. Your aliens will be another false flag event perpetrated by our Govt with secret technology that they will spring on the world to deceive them into a one world Government.
The next false flag event will be one or more nukes going off in DC, Los Angeles and maybe Detroit, Chicago or Dallas. That is what my gut tells me and I am usually not too far off the mark. I get my information from reading the Bible about the end times and Revelation from hours spent in prayer over the course of a life time. I'm 62 and lived through the Vietnam war as a Navy wife.
Well sorry but the FEMA camps are not going to be used to round up all the patriotic Americans and no, they won't be using any nukes to do anything. Yeah my ET friends have said that they won't allow any nukes to be used ever again on Earth and yes they can do that. They have already flown over several nuclear missile sites and DEACTIVATED all of the nukes several times. I do not live in fear and will not go off promoting fear with anyone. The Bible is a good book but it was written by men, and it has been altered so many time over the centuries that it is nothing like the original. Now it refers to "dollars" instead of pieces of silver. Sorry but a dollar did not exist 2000 years ago and we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Churches have also been used to control the people for centuries too. The Catholics have God sitting up in a chair in the clouds and the guy with horns in hell just waiting. The Pope came out in the 1970's and admitted to the world that they made up the devil and hell. They said they were sorry and should not have done it. The FEMA camps stuff is old Internet junk. The old world order is out of business and you should stop promoting negative energy. The bad guys did build those camps but they are going to be in them, not us. You are funny. You say that Americans are going to mow down Americans like grass? Come on lady, Americans won't kill Americans. We are not in a civil war. You may say I am nuts for believing in ascended masters, and angels but who sold you that story that Americans are going to mow Americans down like the grass? We won't need to fight the US military. They are us. You have been fed a good one there and you sound like you bought the whole story. I don't know a single American former military or anyone else for that matter who has plans to shoot his fellow Americans because someone at the UN will say so? You think that will really happen? The law has not been suspended. I am sure if you call the police to report that someone is mowing down Americans, they will respond right away. Yeah there is massive corruption but please stop trying to spread that crap about patriots being rounded up and shot by fellow Americans. That is a movie that the Zionists have yet to make, but it could be a block buster:-)
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