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 The owners of the corporation that is doing business as the UNITED STATES are the stock holders.  While their names are not published, we know that the stockholders of the Federal Reserve and the IRS are also the same criminals that own the stock in the corporate UNITED STATES.

We the People are the employees of the corporation and the Congressmen and women that are elected answer to the stockholders and not the employees.  As long as our elected officials take their marching orders from the stockholders and not the people, our nation is destined to fail.

Replacing one set of corrupt politicians with new ones will not change anything as long as the stockholders are calling the shots.  Eliminate the bankers and we can restore liberty to the land that once was free.

Anyone that has a social security card is at least a part-time government employee of the UNITED STATES corporation.  Everyone that is registered to vote has affirmed that they are subjects to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES and that they no longer have God given rights. They merely have privileges granted to them by the government.

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We need to have solutions that work. What can we do. Give us steps to take to free ourselves from this corporation. It may be too late and only God can save us now. In that case we need to be on our knee's in prayer to restore us as people first. Bring back the values of what made us great. But it has to start with the individual. We all must take personal responsibility for ourselves and become the best we can be in regards to honesty in our business dealings, honesty in our families and bring back virtue, intregrity and honesty.

Correction - privileges granted by the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA pretending to be our government. That is the biggest thing that people need to understand. When we have gotten mad at our so called "government" because they ignore the people and protect criminals, we can't say that darned government did anything. Its the foreign corporation registered in England called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that we need to address and do something about. Congress took an oath of office to support and defend the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA against all enemies foreign and domestic. Congress is paid $174,000 a year to support the corporation, and ignore the people because the people are enemies of the corporation. Then after only serving one term, Congress can retire and will collect that same $174,000 a year for as long as they live. Its time to shut down the corporation from England and restore the organic constitution and the republic for which it stands!

knowledge is power  they fear the people finding out their true rights to live without their control  They fear it the most. Light the candles, light the Fires of knowledge , and truth .. Today  and keep it rolling and going one person at a time. We shall all be known and they the corrupt will become fearful of a living truth. Pass the word I say, tell the people .  Live in freedom  Give me liberty, or give me death . '' Patrick Henry ''

We must affirm , we must stand and correct the judgments being made and dissolve our bond they think they have over you .  I have to chuckle as I read a law site , they supposes to support freedom, and every time a important freedom issue came to the law sites attention. The law site would say , the court defeated that and ruled against the the secured party , and therefore they were defeated. I was puzzled at first, until I took careful notice of what they were doing . They was taken ruling from a total U.S. Court system that is so corrupt, and has not ruled in the positive for the American people since 1933, and prior to some degree. So all the cases was from a corrupt anti american court system. Therefore we should dismiss these arguments as not of real value. It was ruled by a Corporation US court , that has no real power. They are Corp De Facto Of no value to we the people of the true Republic. So this site I wrote off as Decieved like so many.  Let truth prevail  And freedom ring ... 

Any Country that has a portion of our  $17 Trillion dollar debt are stockholders of the United States.

We certainly need some type of strategy and movement in order to see our Organic Constitution restored. We do need to pass along as much info as we can to our e-mail contacts and all of family an friends.  Also we do need to address our concerns to the members of the House and the Senate within our state and of course the Federal Government.  However our State elected Officials should be approached many times until we get a response.  However, we the people do need a plan in order to succeed.  Any suggestions????

God Bless our America.     

It is the people becoming humble and working together.  It is love in action.  It takes much faith in God as if it all depends in him and a lot of work, cuss word to most, as if it all depends on all of us.

I wish more people truly understood this.

We need a good group of Lawyers to legally undo all the mess that all those Harvard Lawyers did in the first place. LOL. We would also need some very recognizable public figure to organize the team of  legals. Personally I don't think there is enough time to do anything except prepare your selves. But it would be a start and a worth while pursuit so maybe some legals will take up the mantel. I believe you could get free air time as a guest on "The Manning Report" with Dr. James David Manning. got to

Tell him I sent you. LOL. I'm not sure how much time we have left before it's duck and cover.


A good group of lawyers is a contradiction in terms. Finding a good group of lawyers is like finding a benevolent pack of wolves or a pool of peaceful piranhas. We need to rid our society of lawyers and return to the principles of Common Law. Lawyers are the agents of the bankers and are hired to twist the meaning or words in order to make criminal activities look legitimate.

all these BAR member criminals are the ones behind the fraud. they created the fraud, continue the fraud, and is their job to conceal the fraud from the People.

Online Professor is right! BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry. Anyone who is registered with the BAR is an agent for the British Crown--The Crown Temple, a secret society, based in London. The American BAR operates through the Middle Crown Temple, the Canadian BAR operates through the Outer Crown Temple. Do a search on this. The only type of "honorable" lawyer will NEVER be registered with the BAR. They are tied in with the bankers, as well. What on earth is a foreign secret organization doing, being allowed to be in charge of our court systems??? 
Rhonda Herrington said:

We need a good group of Lawyers to legally undo all the mess that all those Harvard Lawyers did in the first place. LOL. We would also need some very recognizable public figure to organize the team of  legals. Personally I don't think there is enough time to do anything except prepare your selves. But it would be a start and a worth while pursuit so maybe some legals will take up the mantel. I believe you could get free air time as a guest on "The Manning Report" with Dr. James David Manning. got to

Tell him I sent you. LOL. I'm not sure how much time we have left before it's duck and cover.



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