Keith Broaders was born on the 173rd anniversary of the Boston Rea Party . My ancestor, Benjamin Edes hosted the meering of the Son's of Liberty that planned the event.
After teaching school for over 20 years I became a serious student of the Comstitution and the Pinciples of Liberty.
I was introduced to forner Sheriff Richard Mack in 2010 and helped to promite his first CSPOA National Convention in 2012.
I vreated the Constituton Club website in 2012 and have donated over 10,000 hours to educate my followers on Constitution and the original intent of our founding fathers.
I qas honored when my Constitution Club was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center's List of hate groups
My proudest moment was when I was at the Bundy Ranch in 2014 in their victory over the Vireau oof Land Management.