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Hello EC Members

Our webmaster is working on the Executive Committee page for our website and would like to include Names, Photo, Biography, and contact information.
Please send this information to me. I will compile everything and send it to the webmaster.
If I don't hear from you in a few days. Expect a phone call from me.

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Keith Broaders was born on the 173rd anniversary of the Boston Rea Party . My ancestor, Benjamin Edes hosted the meering of the Son's of Liberty that planned the event.

After teaching school for over 20 years I became a serious student of the Comstitution and the Pinciples of Liberty.

I was introduced to forner Sheriff Richard Mack in 2010 and helped to promite his first CSPOA National Convention in 2012.

I vreated the Constituton Club website in 2012 and have donated over 10,000 hours to educate my followers on Constitution and the original intent of our founding fathers.

I qas honored when my Constitution Club was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center's List of hate groups

My proudest moment was when I was at the Bundy  Ranch  in 2014 in their victory over the Vireau oof Land Management.


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