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The Consstitution is the foundation upon which our government was created. The government was created by the states to protect the rights of the states and the people.

Over the years our public servants in the House of Represntatives have been replaced by career politicians. As a result our Constitutional Republic has turned into an oligarchy of the financial elite.

The men and women we elcct, take their marching orders from those Wall Street corporations that purchase their seats in exchange for political favors. 

Crime and corruption is made possible by the uneducated and uniformed voters who choose candidates from a menu politicians hand picked by the Wall Street corpoations,

Please Support the Constitution

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The three branches of government were created to protect the life, liberty and the property of the people. Unfortunately the three branches that were created to protect us have become the number one usurper of our God given rights.

Our nation is in peril because the Constitution is being violated every day by the men and women that serve in all three branches of government. The guardians of our liberty have become the greatest threat to our peace, prosperity and freedom.

Congress was supposedly created to make laws that would promote liberty and individual responsibility. Today however, Congress has become a bureaucratic nightmare. Instead of protecting our rights they have become the authors of tyranny.

The Supreme Court which was established to defend the Constitution has been changing the meaning of the Constitution by interpreting it. Contrary to popular belief the Constitution did not give the Supreme Court the authority to interpret the Constitution. The Congress was intended to be the arbiter of the Constitution and not the Supreme Court. Every two years "We the People" have the opportunity to vote out those members of the House and Senate that fail to properly interpret the Constitution.

The Constitution grants no legislative powers to the President. The President has no authority to issue Executive Orders that affect the lives of the American people. Every Executive Order issued is a violation of the Constitution.

The three branches of government were created to protect the people, but over the years the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches of government have become a three headed monster that serves the interest of the financial elite and holds the rest of us in a state of perpetual bondage.

The ultimate Judge of those serving in the three branches of government is "We the People" and as long as we tolerate incompetence, that is exactly what we will get. Until "We the People" hold our public officials accountable the peace, prosperity and freedom we once enjoyed will be nothing more than a distant memory.

The three branches of our government were created to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Instead of serving the best interests of the people, Congress is now working for the Wall Street Corporations.

The Constitution has become a meanngless piece of paper because the men and women we elect to serve us are not being held accountable.

Our founding fathers understood that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. They knew that if the government assumed powers that were not delegate to them, those that we would elect to ve our servants would become our masters.

To prevent the abuse of power they divided the power between the states and the central government. They created a House of Representatives based proportional representation and a senate based on the principle of equal representation.

This important check and balance prevented either the large or small states from dominating the other.

Due to cunning politicians and apathetic and ignorant citizenry these branches have become part of a gigantic crime syndicate that redistributes the wealth of the people into their pockets of and the pockets of those who fund their elections.

In order to dominate the world, the financial elite have very cleverly deceived nearly everyone on the planet. In order to exploit the masses, Bankers control what the people believe. For them to enslave the people they must do so without the people's awareness of what is being done to them.Johannes Goethe is absolutely correct in his observation that: "No man is more hopelessly enslaved than the man who falsely believes he is free"

A man who thinks he is free is significantly more productive and easier to control than a man who knows he is a slave.To convince a slave that he is free is best accomplished by controlling the media and the schools.Schools that indoctrinate our children and a media that misinforms the public are useful tools in the hands of the financial elite

Because of our collective apathy we have become debt slaves in a land that once was free.John Adams observed "There are two ways to enslave a nation, first with the sword and second, with debt."Lawyers representing the financial institutions write laws that are presented to Congress for their approval.

Sadly, those who we have elected to serve us take their marching orders from   bankers and ignore the will of the people.They would have us to believe that this is just a coincidence. Every bill introduced in Congress benefits the financial elite. Anyone with a functioning brain realizes the bankers are using the money we pay in taxes to make us their debt slaves.

This diabolic cartel of international criminals will continue to thrive as long as we allow it. We are like the hosts who supply the blood to the blood sucking Banksters, who will continue sucking it out until its gone.We can sit back and wait until we have been bled dry, or we can refuse to allow the parasitic bankers to feast on the fruits of our labor.Please click on the "Like" button and then share this post on Twitter and Facebook with your friends neighbors and countrymen.

Keith, you wrote this:
This diabolic cartel of international criminals will continue to thrive as long as we allow it. We are like the hosts who supply the blood to the blood sucking Banksters, who will continue sucking it out until its gone.We can sit back and wait until we have been bled dry, or we can refuse to allow the parasitic bankers to feast on the fruits of our labor.

Response:  #1 they are not diabolical.  Everything they do is by passing of instruments and those of them affecting the general public are passed publicly.  Those of them passed privately do not involve or touch upon the public generally, though they do reach the rights of those of the public who subscribed their rights to be treated as if within that private venue. 

#2  YES, as long as it is allowed.  And the fact is that the public has not the power to vote themselves out of it by public elections BECAUSE they, on a one by one basis, voted themselves into that bondage AND THEY MUST one by one vote themselves out of that bondage. However, they do not bother to do that, apparently preferring to be screwed by the government and moan about it. 

#3.  The people are not "Like the Hosts"  they ARE the hosts for the fact that they invited the takers into their home (ths United States of America) and gave them license to take as they wish ( Title 26 or U.S.Code). 

#4, your closing sentence. . . . WHAT the hell are you going to ACTUALLY DO about it ?  If you are still considered as 'taxpayer' that is because YOU VOLUNTEERED YOUR PROPERTY AND RIGHTS TO THE VERY SAME PEOPLE YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT.

Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----Voluntary Victim -----

Not me!  I got out.  Everyone else, for the vast majority, is staying it the rape bed and whining about it.   You do not garner my sympathy.  I have repeatedly offered access to the solution. It appears that you have not taken advantage of it. But then, that would be difficult to do from the fetal position.  


I believe that you just don't see it Keith . . . but ONCE AGAIN  you are feigning the VICTIM role.   The Constitution for the United States DOES not suggest that it is or shall act as a protection of your rights.  Neither can any man or group of men, by scratching dirt marks on an animal skin create an obligation in others of them to protect the rights of any one or more of them.  Such a concept is absolutely preposterous and not defensible by any stretch of law or societal morays. 

YOU and you alone are responsible for protecting your right. . . because guess what ?  Your rights are recognized endowed within you and made evident only by your actions taken in expression of them.  Your rights are reached BY NOBODY and NO THING except to the degree that YOU PERMIT entry upon them. 

Please take the thumb out of your mouth and stop whining about how somebody else has not come to your rescue.  Nobody has an obligation to protect you,  N O B O D Y   and N O  B O D Y acting in a government capacity owes you protection.  Wake up !  You are a victim of the abuse you have invited on your rights by permitting others entry to and use of them as privileges.  

If this forum is a bastion of freedom,  I have yet to read about anybody enforcing their rights,there being nothing buy cry-babies found here.   Ohhhh they did this and they did that  and they lead me to believe this and convinced me of that and since I am a gullible ball of mush, I did what they suggested and now I'll just punch uselessly, frustrated and angrily at my keyboard bitching about it like a petulant child.  Get off your ass and take action to free yourself from the prejudices and incapacity which you piled on top of your rights. 



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