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The Members of the Board of Directors need to share a set of common beliefs.

1. It is a self evident truth that our rights were granted to us by a Creator.

2. All men, women and children are equal in the sight of the Creator.

3. Every man must respect the lives, liberty and property of his fellow man.

4. Force is only justified in defending one's life, liberty or property.

5. Governments derive their authoriy from the powerenumerated in the Constitution for the united States.

6. When government abuses the rights of the people, it is the responsibility of the people to alter or abolish it.

7. Compulsory taxation is immoral and is a form of theft that violates the property rights of the individual.

8, No crime can take place unless the life, liberty or property of an individual has been violated.

9. It is immoral to obey unjust laws and it is our duty to refuse to comply with laws that violate the rights of others.

10. We believe that everyone is free to think and act for themselves and we will not try to compel others to accept what we believe.

11. We believe that everyone is free to think and act for themselves, and while we may encourage others to believe as we do, we will not compel you to do so.

12. The principles of our nations were expressed in the Declaration of Independence and we believe the Constitution needs to be strictly obsrved.

If you would like to suggest some other principles please share them as a comment.

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With TRUTH comes a big responsibility. I feel like my place has turned into helping to shine light on behaviors and actions of people with whom cross my path that which have turned out to be working towards a different agenda. Especially if there are deceivers who are leading people into a plot where they can actually get killed. This type of person needs to be exposed and kicked out of this  community. There is no room for anyone to play middle ground or to try and play both sides of this movement. I don't understand why they continue to try to put me in a situation, while thinking I wont pick up on the signs of being tricked. This has got to be stopped and I hope the more people will speak out and show the proof when this happens to them ... this will send the message to the handlers  that the patriot community is not so easily fooled. 

"For evil to prevail is when good men do nothing."


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