Dear Congressman,
You were elected by the people to protect our rights, not to regulate our lives and to spend money that we don't have on things we don't need and can't afford..
When you were elected to office, you took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and I am peresoanlly going to see to it that you honor your oath.
I want you to know, that if you contiune to support any legislation that takes from some to give to another, I do my best to see to it that you are not re-elected.
Cicero hit the nail on the head, when he said "The more laws the less justice" and I think Congress should spend the next two years repealing all laws, rules, regulations, codes, ordinances and statutes that violate the Constitution.
In the past I read the sport's pages to see how my favorite players were performing, but from now on I am going to follow your voting recrod in an effort to hold you accountable.
This letter is not intended to be a threat, but a promise that if you continue to serve the Wall Street bankers and corporations, your political careet will come to a screaching halt at the end of this term.
I, along with the 700,000 other people in your Congressional District, who pay your salary are your employer and you were elected to be the guardeian of their liberty, not an instrument in the hands of financial elite to regulate our lives and redistribute our wealth.
I plan to share this message with the editor of every newspaper in your Congressional District .
Keith Broaders
1230 N Street #510
Sacramento, Ca 95418
Undoing the Damage
Since 1913, Congress has been writing more and more laws that violate the Constitution and we need to turn back the clock and begin to repeal those laws that are clearly unconstitional
The first Act of Congress that needs to be repealed is. the Federal Resereve Act which transferred from Congress the power to issue our money and regulate its value to the Federal Reserve
The 16th and 17th Amendments, which were never lawfully ratfied need to be repealed.
The Patriot Act and the NDAA, also need to be repealed and all Federal Agencies not authorized in the Constituiton need to be defunded,
Congress should spend the next two years undoing the damage that has been done in the last 100 years.
What are some laws that you would like to see repealed? Please use the commen sectio below to share your opinions.
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