Under the Articles of Confederation each state was entitled to send a delegation of at least two and no more than seven representatives to Congress, but each state was entilled to just one vote
All proposed legislation required the approval of at least 9 states and all amendments required the unanimous approval of all 13 states.
It was the delegates representing the states and not rhe people who wrote the proposed Constitution and it was ratified by delegates elected by the rich white men in each of the 13 states.
Accorfing to the original Constitution the newly proposed Constitution needed the unanimous approval of all 13 states. and Rhode Island's failure to attend the Constitutional Convention made it an illegal assembly.
T he Anti Federalist feared that the proposed Comstitution gave too much power to the central government.
Only 1,648 out of nearly 4,000.000 people living were given the opportunity to give their consent to the ratification of the new Constitution.