Since 1862 with the passage of the Legal Tender Act Congress
began forcing the people to use counterfeit money to acquire the goods and services they wanted.
According to the Constitution the only lawful money is Gold and Silver. Paper money that is backed by gold and silver is lawful money, paper dollars not backed by gold and/or silver are counterfeit currency.
Real money represents wealth while the fiat currency issued by the Federal Reserve represent debt. Federal Reserve Notes printed out of thin air and represent an obligation to pay the Federal Reserve for the use of the paper currency plus interest.
Collecting taxes from the people is how the government is able to pay the interest on the national debt. If we were using Constitutional money most of the taxes we pay would be unnecessary.
When the mafia issues and distributes counterfeit money they are committing a crime, but when the government does it is legal thanks to an act of Congress. In 1913 the counterfeiting operations were transferred from Congress to a privately held corporation known as the Federal Reserve. By using their Federal Reserve Notes we are essentially acquiring the goods and services we need by borrowing money from the Federal Reserve.
The IRS is another privately owned corporation is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve. The income tax is a direct un-apportioned tax and is unconstitutional. All Congressman, Presidents and Supreme Court Justices have taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and since 1862 every one of them have violated their oath of office.
During the Civil War the Constitution was suspended and Lincoln became a military dictator. The organic Constitution written in 1787 can not protect us if don't defend it. Ultimately, it is "We the People" are the ones responsible because we have given our consent by remaining silent.
As long as we allow our Federal government to engage in criminal activity we will continue to be victims of the bankers who have collectively been picking our pockets. We have become perpetual debt slaves thanks to the fraudulent monetary system.
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