Electoral College Reform
The methof of choosinf Presidential Electors is a power reserved to the leislatures of the states. Each Comgessional District shall have one elector and one electoral vote.
Each Congressonal District will conduct their own Presidemtial Election and the "Winner Take All" method of allocating electoral votes would be done away with.
Direct Election of Senators
The Direct Election of Senators as described in the 17th Amendment is uncontitutional and the authority of the state legislstors to chhse their senators needs to be restored.
Equal Reoresentation of the House
Accoeding to the 14th Amendment every person in every state needs to be equally represented. Im order to comply with the equal protection clause of the 14th Amend,emt every Congressional District needs to be the same size,
Wupming has one representative for 575,000 and Montana one representative for 989,000 inhabitants. Over 400,000 residents in Montana are not being counted for the purpose of apportionment in the House of Repreentatives.
Abplish the practice of fractional Reserve Banking
Abolish the use of compound interest
Dcclare the 16th Amendment unomstitutiopnal
Declare the 17th Amendment uncomstitutiomal
Abolish statewide Presidential Popularity Comtests
Require the 2/3 approval of all proposed legislation
Repeal all unconstitutional Federal Statutes